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About Gremlin_915

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  • Interests
    Eating tacos and eating other stuff... And playing video games!
  1. Haha lol coke! My username says I snort coke! Pfffft, muhuhaha!!
  2. Um... Happeh Easter erebodeh. . . May yous ne'er molt.
  3. I can't tell yet because I haven't finished TSL yet.
  4. Yeah I'm gonna grow up to be a teddy bear.
  5. 35 hours. Eh? Eh? that's about as long as kotor 1 eh? Yes, hmm. Spent well I think your time was, OLK. $50 yes, hmm? Spent well I say your money was, yes. If what you expected in the game was given, spent very well indeed. And then I do my little Yoda laugh. Hmm, hmm!
  6. This dude in the TSL forums was talking about how addicted he was to the game and it reminded me of something similiar happened to me before. Mmm, power gaming. . . Brings me back to the old days. I did have something similiar happen to me before but not nearly as serious. It was back in the old days when I was playing my old N64 (which I chucked out the window not that long ago) and my relatively new Xbox. I was trying to beat all the games I had that I hadn't finished yet, and I went just about 2/3 of the time you went without food or bathroom or anything I dunno but it was a long time, so I get hungry really really bad and I get up off the couch which I hadn't moved from even to turn on or off my game systems (I know, I only beat two games) and I'm all like. . . "Whoa" and I stagger a bit and thought "hmm, maybe I should sit down and strech a little" so I sit down and kinda do some streches while sitting down, and it helps a wee bit when I stand back up but not much. So I thought "the hell with it I'm hungryhungry hippo right now" Well I go into the kitchen and I accidentally knock over a glass of orange juice (don't ask why my dumb sister left it there because I just explained it to you she's dumb) on my shirr. So I reach for a clean dish-towel and start cleaning my shirt, right? Bad idea. Never stand idle after sitting on a couch for that long. Don't run either. Or walk for more than a full minute. But it's safe to sit, sometimes, well actually the only thing you can do is lie down, if not sit. Well everything is going blacker than it did when I got off the couch and I thought "meh, it'll clear up like it did a couple of minutes ago" And then I was all like oh sh- *ahem* poo, my left arm is going numb! And that was the one I was cleaning with. So I knew to sit down right away but I guess it was too late by then. *pitch black* *sounds of falling on the floor and hitting a grocery bag along the way* When I woke up I was all numb on my right side which I was laying down on btw and I knew I should get something to eat. Lucky for me I didn't hit the cabinets or anything when I fell so I wasn't bleeding, just numb. I crawl to the fridge, take out the milk jug and drink straight out of it 'cause the cups and glasses were in a cabinet that I couldn't reach sitting down. Then I eat all the smoked ham and turkey breast I could salvage and a cheese stick and some reeses I put in there to keep them from melting like reeses tend to do. And I get back up, fully concious but not going to take any chances so I lie down on the couch and take a nap. And the only reason no one was there was 'cause they went to some stupid parade that I dint want to see 'cause I saw it last year. Now you tell me a story, bugar-boob.
  7. Lololololol!!!!
  8. I thought the inplants sounded scary, I mean you had to get separate feats to use them... Which probably meant you need training to use them right, in my first game I didn't use them because I thought they would get hit by an enemy or something stupid like that. But now I use them every time I play KotOR.
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