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Everything posted by McBeefsteak

  1. I've made it almost all the way through, starting pre patch, ironically I never encountered the double click bug since I always did drag and drop. IMO there is nothing "game breaking" that would prohibit me from playing. If you save often it shouldn't be too bad, the few times I have encountered a bug (in the sanitarium etc) I just reloaded and it was fine,
  2. Not sure if this is a bug or not but when I read the description of the 3rd level invocations it says "Foe target" which to me would suggest that it doesn't affect allies but as you can see in my linked screenshot it is most distinctly affecting my party members. Is this intended or is this a bug/error?
  3. I had the exact same problem late last night and this morning. Tried everything and it didn't improve, did a full system reboot and it seemd to have been completely fixed. Unsure if you'll have the same experience but maybe it will help!
  4. Not sure if their is a general issue reporting thread so for my own records until I figure that out: Soul Shock skill description (in char gen) has a grammatical/phrasing error in the first sentence "Briefly transforms the outer shell of an the allied target's..." should likely just read "of the allied target's..." When selecting one of the party formation options it would be helpful if the icon reflected the formations shape
  5. Because the character classes, races, and even underlying system are similar but not identical to another existing system (d20 for example) it would be helpful if after you've decided on a race that somewhere in the class descriptions it would indicate which stats influence their starting powers and perhaps which stats the class favors. While I can extrapolate/guess based on skill descriptions it would be nice to spell it out nice and clearly. Also I've attached a screen cap with some arrows in the description text of the classes. It's a bit difficult to follow at a glance as is now and could benefit with maybe a line break or perhaps bolding/coloring the text of each skill name. Otherwise beautiful so far!
  6. So glad & proud to have been backing this project since I heard about it! I've pushed everyone I know who has loved this kind of games or would love a new one!
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