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Posts posted by Karzak

  1. Nice try Karzak. Since when do fanboys rate games 75%, trash an expansion, bash many aspects of another game belonging to their "fanboyish" crush

    ROTFLMAO, Since you became a fanboy. Maybe you haven't noticed how when someone gives Bio well deserved criticism you and grommy are the first to jump in to defend the motherland :lol:


    Main Entry: fanboy

    Function: noun

    Etymology: probably for fanatic + child

    1 : an enthusiastic devotee (as of a sport or a performing art) usually as a spectator

    2 : Volourn

  2. Exuses, exuses. Bototm line is you boight it.

    LOL, the bottom line is I bought it for 4 rnb in china, had it not been available for 50 cents I damn sure wouldn't have bought it.


    Same with KotOR, except that was 4 CD's so it cost around 2 bucks. Otherwise I wouldn't have bought it. I won't buy KotOR2, even for $2.


    I never bought SoU. Nor will I.


    I won't buy an x box, and I won't buy DA unless it is in china for basicly nothing.


    The fact is you are a fanboy, and for some reason you resent that so you try to bring everyone down to your level.


    How sad!





  3. LOL Good thread. And, no, Karzakshouldn't have been banned from ML. That was uncalled for consieeirng how many worse insults are traded there (including some by me) that are left alone. Hmm...



    Later Gaider. :)

    Well, Fionavar did the banning, that pretty much explains it. If I wouldn't kiss dave gaiders ass to get back on Bio when it was offered to me, I damn sure won't kiss his to go back to a feminazi board. :(

  4. Yeah, which is why you bought HOTU.... which happened to be their last game. :(

    I got it in china for less than a buck, on a lark more than anything. I tried to play it, but it started so badly and was so poorly written that I couldn't, especially since I had a much better game that came free with windows!

  5. Keep the jokes coming... ;)

    And Karzak, is there a link to the thread where you made Duende cry? It sounds funny...

    Ask Fionavar, or Missy. Duende moved my thread to Forum feedback where Fionavar locked it, and I am sure Duende pruned it some as well, he was deleting my posts.

  6. What did the bio fanboy say after quitting bio boards because BGII didn't have nudity in it?


    Later Gaider.


    What do you call a prophetic king of Israel who lives in sewers under New York City?


    King David Gator.

    If you really want a laugh ask gaider about two drunken indians and his car.


    I have it on good authority that those two indians were fond of playing DWing theives in 2e :p

  7. A man goes to a brain store,


    "How much does it cost for engineer brain?"


    "Three dollars an ounce."


    "How much does it cost for programmer brain?"


    "Four dollars an ounce."


    "How much for **** brain?"


    "$1,000 an ounce."


    "Why is **** brain so much more?"


    "Do you know how many Bioweenies we had to kill to get one ounce of brain?"

  8. A **** was visited by satan, who promised him he could design really crappy games with no effort on his part and they would still sell enough to make him rich. In exchange for this the devil said the Bioweenies wife and kids would have to suffer eternal damnation. The **** thought about it for a moment and said "what's the catch?"

  9. Karzak's trolling crusade against me, or whatever, is a result of another board

    LOL, I don't have a trolling campaign against you, get over yourself.


    I do have a low opinion of you certainly, from your childish behavior, especially as a moderator on ashford city. So do others BTW.

  10. Petor, although Karzaks comment might seem out of line, you did ask for comments about your sig and Karzaks comment is something I hear quite often, not just on boards.

    Aw, was he complaining that mean ol Karzak picked on him?

  11. you've made me try and point out what the hell is wrong with you, while you just sit there and flame.

    I'm trying to hellp you grow up a little, son, and become a man. I care about you!

  12. It seems to me, Karzak, that your idea of debating is to try and insult the opponent any way possible

    What's the debate here, son? If your sigs too big? LOL. Great debate material, you are surely the next great political mind!

  13. Is my sig too big?


    Are you trying to compensate for something?

    Why don't you just shutup for once in your life Karzak? I'm getting sick of your abuse and I'm sure others are as well :angry:

    whahahaha! :unsure: this is fun to read. popcorn anyone?

    Well, I really shouldn't poke the babies with a stick, it makes em cry and their moms get mad.


    My bad

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