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About Madej

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    Metaphysics, aesthetics, mind, metaethics, music, quake live, old-style cRPG.
  1. I like the pvpcentric focus of GW. It's easy to tell that this tradition is succeeded in #2, for you get to 80 in PvE and are met with literally no endgame. I didn't bother wasting my time and headed straight to the mists. ^^ The strategy seems to work reminiscient of a card deck, you make a limited selection from a wide variety of abilities in a way that cohere with eac other. Although I can appreciate spammy spammy! gameplay - binding every key on my kb to some ability - it inevitably leads to a wide set of abiliites that do nothing more than cancel each other out. I just wish there were more game modes and maps for mists, to say variety is absent doesn't exclaim enough.
  2. Madej


    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxQBH-fYOYs These guys use interesting instrumental arrangements and writing structure; tracks are typically layered with subtle nuance and should satiate more 'nerdy' tastes.
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