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About vinni

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. works like a charm - thanks man, you da real mvp!
  2. For me it was after a fight right after the end of Act 2, when the path clears there's some spores, I think the char (Eder) was dominated but no idea if there were other debuffs on him - after that he moved very slowly (posted my save to this thread) so I had to ditch him for now.
  3. There's one right at the beginning of Act 3 that I know of, when you start travelling a little bit further - it depends on your dialogue choices though. Other than that I haven't encountered any chars myself where this was possible yet.
  4. I'm having this issue sometimes after starting the game, during intro screens - doesn't seem to be font-related, here's my crashlogs: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70930274/2015-04-07_191644.zip
  5. After some more testing I'm positive it's Eder who bugged out for me after that fight and now drags the speed of the whole group down. Even after dismissing and recruiting him again in a tavern the bug persists - I've dismissed him for now and created a custom fighter as replacement until this is resolved.
  6. I'm now facing this issue or a similar one too, right after a fight in slow mode, it seems now that my chars, especially Eder, move at a snails pace while out of combat (even with fast mode turned on) - while in combat this seems to normalize. Here's my savegame -> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/70930274/57cd6ffa5b804829862f839a6a5286f4%2012746019%20Elmshore.savegame
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