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About Micamo

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    (4) Theurgist
  1. Does this work if Watcher is female? Yes. None of the sex workers acknowledge your gender at all.
  2. What!? Is that true? People don't complain becaues they don't know!! I mean, hookers are kind of a waste of money in RPGs, so who actually tests this stuff? http://i.imgur.com/BatxdgU.jpg I hope you can save Gjefa at the start of Deadfire, if you recruited her. She deserves better. Save her from yourself? Anyway if they have a romance that is this obscure I don't think any of us would complain. I meant eothas stomping around nomming on souls. I doubt anyone besides you and the Stewart walk away but I hope you can save the named characters that live there like Gjefa and Korgak.
  3. Oh, since I failed to address this in my previous posts: List of attractive female companions in PoE1: Iselmyr, Sagani, Grieving Mother, Pallegina, Maneha, Devil of Caroc List of attractive female companions in Deadfire: Iselmyr, Pallegina, Maia, Xoti, Ydmir(?) You might be asking "Hey, isn't that the list of all the female companions?" And the answer is YES EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM IS ATTRACTIVE WHAT THE ****ING HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?
  4. Probably the queen. Unless she turns out to be too much of a jerk for me to stomach working with, then I'll take the Yes Man "screw 'em all" option, granted that it's not worse.
  5. What!? Is that true? People don't complain becaues they don't know!! I mean, hookers are kind of a waste of money in RPGs, so who actually tests this stuff? http://i.imgur.com/BatxdgU.jpg I hope you can save Gjefa at the start of Deadfire, if you recruited her. She deserves better.
  6. You know, I don't know why I don't see more of the anti-PC romance people complaining about Gjefa. You know, the sex worker from the Salty Mast who, if you have 19 CON or higher, will be so impressed with your performance that she'll quit her job and move into your quarters at Caed Nua to have sex with you as much as you want for free for the rest of her life.
  7. He's blue, which normally would indicate Rauataian, but that could very likely be his godlike features.
  8. There is going to be a time limit but we dunno how generous it will be yet.
  9. How much did PoE raise after the end of the Kickstarter? Iirc it was nearly a full extra million.
  10. Dear people who think Ydwin is "more feminine" than the other lady companions: Huh? Have... Have you guys ever seen how butch women dress and behave before? Ydwin's dresses like a soft butch if I've ever seen one. I think you guys are just projecting because she's an elf.
  11. I still don't get why anyone would want 20 super thin and superficial companions when we could have a handful of really meaty ones with lots of content and things to say instead. But that's just my opinion.
  12. I think he's objecting to her vagina and glasses. I agree, she'd be even better if she were trans and wore a monocle.
  13. Ydwin has such a big price tag because another companion is a massive expense. One they probably weren't expecting like they were Xoti.
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