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About DukeC

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
  1. I agree. I would also like an option "Auto saving before combat".
  2. I guess this is a matter of personal taste, but for me I'm satisfied with only gold, no weight and no currencies. I don't see how that would make the game more fun. Sure, it would add realism but that's not what I demand of this game.
  3. Yes, the setup with meatshields was good. That way you can have a mage duel at the same time fighters have their duel. I found the mage duels most fun and tactical. The vancian system is ok, but I agree with Josh that it's less tactical and more luck that you have the right spells availble. A mana system or a cool down system (which I'm less fan of) has nothing to do with luck.
  4. Well, this is not a new idea but this is how I would like to see the magic system: To cast a spell it costs mana. The more powerful spell, the more mana it costs. This will give you a tactical choice when to use high costs spells. Spells doesn't need to be memorized before combat. Every spell you know should be availible (either you learn new spells by choice when leveling up or by bying/finding/stealing books). I don't want to go into detail about how fast and how mana should be regained, but some kind of timer is nessecary for this system. I really want to see a balanced and fun attack/defence magic system. Like a rock paper scissors game. Just spamming fireballs and using you mage as an artillery is not fun. I found some magic battles in BG2 really fun.
  5. To bad that this wasn't in the poll. I really liked the way coop worked in BG2. Host controls the entire party and then friends could join and take over a party member. This would be the stretch goal that will make me look in my wallet for more money. So far the stretch goals has not been appealing enough (couldn't care less for localization at release which I think is a waste of money at this stage).
  6. I think level scaling makes a more boring game. As previously stated: * You need to see that your character is getting stronger. * If going too deep you will be killed. So, just don't go there. Yet. * Being the worlds best warrior and having big troubles with "regular bandits" at a random encounter is just rediculous. I thought of the problem when going at low level encounters with your high level character. If your group is at lvl 20, one would think that they should have earned some reputation that should scare some of the level 1 thugs away? Or is it common for rookie thugs to be suicidal?
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