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Posts posted by Seari

  1. I'm probably one of the few people that actually didn't mind AoO in NwN2, after I turned off the party AI that is. It's the beyond horrible AI and pathfinding that made them annoying as they were.


    As I understand engagement has the same function as AoO - characters can't run away from attacking melee pursuers indefinitely and without any downside, and that attacking characters can't run past your "wall of defense". The second problem I definitely do see in BG2, playing with the SCS mod, and I could see why they would try to fix it.

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    It surprised me that some of the new things IWD2 offered didn't make it into BGEE (first thing which comes to mind is the much improved quick weapon slots, something that PoE has at least :D).


    That's because BG:EE is basically just an installation of BGTutu with a bunch of mods. IIRC, virtually all of its new technology is stuff that was developed on the major modding sites, with various more-or-less minor updates.


    And since Weimer's Icewind Gate flickered out in early development like a decade ago ... yeah.


    That's not true, the enhanced addition runs way smoother and I'm glad I bought it. The easily reconfigurable key bindings+improved inventory is a big plus as well.

  3. I have to say that the classes need a lot of work. I really hate per encounter abilities, esp. interdiction.

    1. Paladin - the only class that feels right
    2. Fighter - not bad, but don't go overboard with the actives
    3. Cipher - a lot of potential
    4. Monk, Barbarian - could be good
    5. Rogue - too many actives, kind of a mess right now
    6. Wizard - a butchered class
    7. Priest - I really hate them right now, everything's AoE
    8. Ranger - meh

    No clue about Druids and Chanters. I might just make a druid PC, just so I don't have to take a priest.

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