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Everything posted by mrgloblo

  1. I'm turning 20 soon. Some of my favourites (not in any particular order) are Fallout, Wizardry 6, Dark Sun: Shattered Lands, and Betrayal at Krondor. I've played and enjoyed all the IE games, though, so it's not as if I'm going into this blind. Very excited for PE, Wasteland 2, and Shadowrun.
  2. I'd rather have a anthropomorphic dog furry companion. After all, you can't romance a dog (unless you can ).
  3. It's RTWP. It's gonna have trash mobs. Anyway, I agree with OP. Having the majority of exp coming from combat not only encourages grinding, but more importantly, limits players that want to avoid combat. Plus, this system doesn't prevent there from being exp rewards for very challenging fights, and it also encourages players to explore and do quests.
  4. Essentially allows other party members to chime in when they have something relevent to say. I see no reason why this couldn't be used in Project Eternity. If these characters have agreed to help the PC, then why should their help be limited to combat? A silver tongued ally could be very useful.
  5. I'd love to see somewhat outlandish creatures as playable races. Like an insect swarm hivemind thingy or even something completely alien. As fun as it is to see anthropomrophic animals, they're very human-like. Seeing non humanoid races actually playable would be awesome. Or if they have to be humanoid, something more unique than wolfmen and lizardmen would be nice (armadillomen? behouldermen? there are worlds of possiblilities). I mean, we already have the basic, familiar humans, elves, and dwarves. Taking a page out of the scifi genre and going with a race that's very different from humans would be pretty interesting to me.
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