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Everything posted by jaschmid

  1. To me a tablet version seems much more sensible than a console version, but even then I'd be cautious and not really consider it until late in production depending on a feasibility estimate. The problem with consoles is not just the (very) limited hardware, but also considerable first party requirements on any product. Load times have to be below certain times, save games have to be handled certain ways, you might be forced to add leader boards or other 'features' to your game for which it just isn't well suited. Coming up with solutions to not just the hardware limitations but also 'certification' requirements can end up soaking up significant number of development time and degrade other platforms. On consoles we have to do X, but we'd rather do Y on PC, it is more time consuming to do X rather than Y, but it is even more time consuming to do X and Y. So we either don't release on Consoles, chose the X for Consoles and PC's degrading the PC slightly by implementing a not optimal solution, or develop and implement two independent solutions, degrading both platforms heavily due to the massive development cost of maintaining two different solutions.
  2. I've done professional work with Unity 3D before and in my opinion the engine is a great fit for Project Eternity. The only significant con of Unity 3D is that it's not particularly resource efficient compared to highly engineered triple A engines. But for a Project Eternity this is a non-issue, Project Eternity has (in principle) graphics that systems 10 years ago could utilize, furthermore it's target platform is only PC, so it doesn't have to contend itself with extremely resource constrained consoles. The pro's are that Unity 3D is cheap*, has a large body of experienced talent, comes with fully features and easy to use tools that allow designers to very quickly mock up any ideas they want to try out. Of all the game engine's that cater towards the non AAA game development market Unity 3D is by far the most established with (by now) the fewest kinks. *assuming they don't need to acquire a source code license
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