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Posts posted by ohmygodsquad

  1. What Eastern religious ideas?


    Focusing the energy of the body to enhance oneself or accomplish some task, not to mention the whole reincarnation deal with the souls and remembering past lives. Hoping they do some stuff similar to regaining memories in Torment for that sort of thing.


    Honestly the way they describe it I'm picturing a spectrum of classes ranging from purely martial to purely magical with a lot of mixing in between. I'm sure you'll be able to have a pure fighter if you want but I imagine the soul system will offer him a few enhancements and buffs to damage and such. Specializing in something should make you way better at it though, so this guy should be a god of war killing machine by the end of the game.


    But we can't really think of this in terms of old D&D conventions. We've already got mentions of mages suiting up in armor to protect themselves from guns. I hope obsidian finds some interesting ways to mix things up beyond the warrior, magic user, thief, and healer roles.


    Can't wait to hear more about the class system though.

  2. I'm honestly hoping that Obsidian finds a way to get around the problem of caster supremacy. I'm tired of having a fighter who has normal attacks and sometimes he can hit a button to do a bit more damage.


    As opposed to a mage who can light someone on fire, freeze them, shock them, summon monsters, blind them, put them to sleep, poison them, make them fight their friends, unlock locks, read minds, become immune to types of damage, etc.


    Not to mention generally mages skills are tied to intelligence or some equivalent in the stat system which tends to give them more leeway in dealing with social situations (Think Torment).


    Honestly I'd like everyone in the party to have some sort of class based magic. Let everyone be interesting. Just think about KOTOR 2 where you could have an entire party of Jedi. They were all force users, but some were fighters while others buffed and threw lightning about.

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