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Everything posted by Bastian

  1. I actually think ingame soundtrack and music is huge for a game. Momentous in fact! Have you ever watched one of those old 40's movies without any sound...theres a reason they had someone to play the piano along with the film or have you ever watched a move where the music stops and it just becomes diegetic sound, in the attempt to add suspense or make the veiwer take in whats visually presented but executed in a very poor way...it just kills it. I would actually love it if the music was responsive to whats happening in game, I absolutly loved it in Assassin's Creed when combat started the music would change to something up-tempo and active and when combat subsided it would return to the ambient 'roaming' theme. I also think that the music should reflect specific narrative events and not just be there for ambient use. The way they used the music in diablo 3 during some of the cinimatics still gives me goosebumps when i see them, or even in the trailer for skyrim when he shouts at the dragon, the music excalated and enhanced the power of that scene, which is primarily what it should be used for. Creating an ambient soundtrack that can do the same thing when you are exploring in game would be amazing too, some sort of software that would make the music play faster the lowwer your health became, or the closer you went to a trap to try and disarm it the quiter or more suspensful the ambient sound would become. That would make this game! And I do place my faith in Justin Bell, the way he executed the KS film was awesome for 4 days and I'd love to see what he could do during a whole production period. IMO I don't think we should be asking Justine, "Hey can you make the soundtrack like Arcanum, or BGII", this is a diferent game and though it will follow a similar art style, Obsidian is no doubt going to create a unique atmosphere and style for the world and therefore needs an equally unique soundtrack to acompany it. I have no quarell against arcanum and BGII soundtrack, I love them and think they fit well in their respective worlds but bringing that "style" into a different game would feel cheap and recycled. Try playing BGII with the arcanum soundtrack playing in the background or vice versa, though it is pretty awesome it just doesn't fit with whats being visually represented.
  2. What you're talking about son, IS MURDER! I don't think the choice of who gets to live and who dies should be limited by what the developers or the software restraints itself with. IMO every npc and character should be killable. How you go about that is entirerly different. I'm not at all in favor of 'friendly fire'. Nothing would disapoint me more if a stray fireball that I hurl accidently hits my paladin in the back and kills him (granted if I could hurl fireballs and my companion was a paladin) But I don't think it should be something as simple as a dialogue option either, like "I don't like your views on the current crisis, my compadre. WATCH ME TUMBLE!" Personally I would prefere the option to kill one of you're companions be a lot more meticulous, more machiavellian. So instead of just clobering them over the head in cold blood, you could, instead, have the option to stir up one companion against another and hope that if they got in a fight the one you dislike would die or be wounded enough for you to easily finish them of and brand it as punishment so it was more or less over looked by your other companions. Or if one of your party member has a lot of one liners that were really annoying, like a few people pointed out before, you wouldn't necessarily have to kill them (and lose a valuable companion). Instead you could hatch a much more devious plan and say, "hey i found this needle and thread in my last quest exploit, i'll poison the b**** with my sleeping poiton from earlier and then sow her lips shut" ...no more one liners! (the obvious consequence being that if magic required verbal incantations you would probably put this character out of action.) Way more satisfying than just wacking their head in. That all being said though, if you did make your companions killable, I think you would need a lot more than 5 companions avalable in game, the loses would out way the gains far to much when your only looking at a miniscuel 5 options, one of each class (ie, warrior, mage etc).
  3. Personaly I'd wan't a quest line that revolves around the characters and companions stories. If the story requires it to be combat driven, text based, adventure based or even puzzle based I don't mind as long as the narrative is consistant through out. The more open ended it is the better though, I would rather have the choice of whether or not i wanted to do an 'adventure' quest or a more combat oriented quest.
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