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About Unsin

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  • Location
    Moscow, Russia
  • Interests
    Music, gaming, education


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  1. I would honestly love to see a conflict between monotheism and multiple gods. I know it was done in considerable amount of RPGs and it repeats human history, but I think it'll just be great to see the conflict within society. More and more people will shine in the light of the one true God, the Maker and Creator. While others will still prey to the goddess of fertility for their wives to deliver healthy sons, to the Sea God for a safe voyage - they've been doing it for their whole life! Why would they need to accept this new god? I think storywise it gives a player a lot of great options. Some cities and towns could be monotheistic, some can worship different gods. So when you join (or just support strongly enough for people to see) a religion people would treat you differently in different parts of the world. Also there could be gods bound to a certain race. For example, elves worship certain god(s) and when a player (being an elf) is worshiping a human god he is considered an outsider, but with this he will gain good disposition from human societies.
  2. Pirates - is a definite yes! But it has to be made serious, not Johnny Depp type of pirate.
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