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Posts posted by RosesandAshes

  1. I loved Vampire: The Masquerade -- Bloodlines even though I probably shouldn't have (the sexism and racism and the fact that you could get a one-way ticket to lesbian land but had only a couple same-sex options for men was just, ugh).


    Other games I like (in no particular order):


    Anything in the Shin Megami Tensei series (and Persona series, and related series like Devil Summoner and Devil Survivor), I don't have a particular preference.

    Dragon Age: Origins

    Dragon Age 2 (definitely not as good as Origins, though)

    The entire Mass Effect series

    Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (No one likes this game but me....)

    The Elder Scrolls series (started with Morrowind)

    The Witcher (loved the first one, the sequel was...okay)


    The CRPGs I've played are probably ones no one's ever heard of, but I enjoyed Heretic Kingdoms: The Inquisition and Beyond Divinity.

  2. I find the Vancian system to just be so....unintuitive. I like to think that ny mages don't have the memories of goldfish, and don't suddenly "forget" how to cast magic missile when that's the only spell they've been casting so far. (I'm serious, it's the only spell I've been using at this point.) I'd much rather have a cooldown system, or perhaps the spells use up a good chunk of mana at first (as you gain levels, you get more mana). I'm the type of person who likes to save my big flashy spells for boss fights. I'd like to actually make it through a dungeon without having to run out and rest each time I want to swap/recharge spells (which is all the time, because I must be prepared for absolutely everything), it just doesn't make sense:


    Mage: We have to go back!

    Paladin: Why? We're a room away from the MacGuffin!

    Mage: I'm fresh out of spells and I need to rest!

    Paladin: Wat

    Fighter: *sighs* Didn't you just rest back there? I swear, if you delay us again with your eight hour cat nap, i WILL cut off your head and nail it to my wall!

  3. I'd say play one of the Baldur's Gate games (BG2 is recommended to those who aren't familiar with IE games), Icewind Dale, and Planescape: Torment.


    You can get them (+ sequels and Temple of Elemental Evil) in this collection for a good price: http://www.amazon.com/Dungeons-Dragons-Classic-Anthology-Pc/dp/B005JQ064A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1348953089&sr=8-1&keywords=dungeons+and+dragons+anthology


    I think they're also available on GOG individually.

  4. I'd like to see a barter system in the game, too. If I've been collecting axes (as I sometimes do) why can't I trade say, ten normal axes and a couple shields for one nice axe? Or give a shopkeeper a weapon that sie doesn't have in stock to get a nice weapon in return? Or, if I want to be mean, trade in a cursed necklace, not tell the shopkeeper that it's cursed, and then giggle as I walk out with a perfectly non-cursed item?


    Or, to give the system a bit more flexibility, maybe put coin prices next to the number of goods you'd need to trade? (ie. This item costs ten gold or one standard axe).

  5. I don't want bandits or animals to be enemies by default. Animals normally fear humans and try to avoid them, not mindlessly attack. And why should bandits attack everyone on sight, especially a group of well-armed adventurers? That's just suicidal.


    I'd like to see aggressive enemies run away from you if you come back at a higher level. "That's right, you stupid bear! Try killing me now with your puny little bear paws!"


    As for bandits, why can't characters enlist their help and get them to steal stuff for them/guard their player house/whatever?

  6. Maybe this is more or less a given, but I always like it when NPCs give a nod to my class. (ie. The innkeeper in Kuldahar in IWD being all "But you're a Paladin! Paladins don't snoop around in drawers!" to my party leader.)


    It doesn't have to be all the time (Skyrim! Stop calling me a wussy for choosing to be a mage!) but once in a while, it would be nice.


    Related to this, I would really appreciate it if there was an option to chew out someone who thinks it would be a good idea to taunt you. I like playing mages, for instance, and just once I'd like to say to a group of bandits "Um, hello? Mage here, I can roast you alive with my fireballs, are you SURE you want to fight me?" insert your favourite class as desired. I liked what Dragon Age 2 did with the "special actions" although I'm not sure whether it would be feasible to make different dialogue choices for each class (in certain quests, of course).

  7. I took a look at the map and it looks like there's a lot of green space, some mountains, maybe some more desert-like climates, and (going by the concept art) there will be snow, so I was wondering if there are other specific environments you'd like to see?


    I'd like to see a bleak, rocky environment and/or a forest where it's always autumn. The one environment that I'm sick to death of is probably desert-like environs. I just tend to breeze through desert sections in this sort of game. ("I'm tired of looking at dried up everything, take me back to the sewers!")

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  8. Currently doing a playthrough of Origins, and the character of Alistair has gotten me wondering what would happen if the man had possessed a functioning spinal column, if he had taken control of the party and decided its actions and strategy after the battle of Ostagar. Say for instance he had chosen which quests to pursue and we had merely a chance at persuading him otherwise within dialogue and asking additional questions, so that originally it seems we are more a junior partner in his struggle against the blight.


    Have you not played the Darkspawn Chronicles DLC? If not, GO AND PLAY IT RIGHT NOW!


    Anyways, more on topic, I like the idea of my companions not just being "yes people" and having their own agendas and such, including trying to kill me if I do something they don't like, but I don't think the PC having to earn party leadership would really work.

  9. This is very welcome, I was just having this conversation with a few members here on the forums last night and am glad to see that Obsidian has coinciding thoughts and discussions on the matter and don't seem very inclined to take the "gtfo" attitude towards those that haven't played the older crpgs as some forum members were suggesting. Once again I am completely humbled by how much they care about this project and how much they care about the fans.


    The results here are unsurprising but the forums are and always will be a very tiny part of a game's fanbase.....or in this case backers. It only makes sense that those who have been with the company the longest and best know its games best are more interested and active here on the forums.


    I'm thinking of my friend here (who pledged the same amount I did). She's played Alpha Protocol, Vampire: The Masquerade -- Bloodlines (we both did) and KotoR 2 and loved all of them. I've been trying to get her to play Planescape: Torment, but she's been very busy lately with her job, so she doesn't have a lot of time to play games. I don't know if she's played any IE games, she just wanted to support Obsidian because she knows they do great work. If she gets stuck, I've played the IE games, so I'll help her out, but she's smart enough to know what everyone's roles are in combat, so I think she'll be fine.


    Maybe if she likes this game I can finally sell her on the old IE games or other CRPGs.

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