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Posts posted by Moirnelithe

  1. If I can just ask one thing...can you please have some mechanic allowing the characters to carry as much loot as the have earned. Was playing some more Skyrim last night and there is nothing more annoying than having to travel back and forth between a dungeon and town multiple times just to sell off the loot.

    I'll bet there will be a "bag of holding" mod within the first day of release if this isn't in, so I wouldn't worry about it :p

  2. I would like to play a female character and have her addressed in a gender appropriate fashion when I play an RPG. Personally, I don't care if there is boob plate in the game. I don't care if there are loin cloths for men in the game. I don't care if men can wear dresses or not. I don't care if there is nudity. I don't care if there is sex and violence. On the other hand I do care if all the female NPCs are portrayed as whiny/needy damsels in distress (but which I highly doubt would happen in P:E). That said, I'd like to have a choice on what to wear and not have that choice taken from me because of political correctness issues and/or censorship. I loved the sexy armour in Lineage II darnit! But then, both men and women got them :thumbsup:

    • Like 1
  3. I too, think it won't be as much of an issue for the developers, Sigillite. That said, the balance of broad content versus PC specific dialogue is a careful balance. Simple things like titles is one thing, but in building the dialogue it would, as far as I know, mean basically including two lines, one for each gender, and then perhaps more for certain races or origins.

    I know it would require more work but this is one of the reasons why I object to full voice-overs in an RPG. Text based dialogue will make it a lot easier to implement character based dialogue. That said, I do think having the choice to play a female character has been an issue with Obsidian in the past, look at PS:T and AP, they both feature male protagonists only. And I'd really like to see that particular design choice go the way of the Dodo.

  4. I am wondering how long they can keep spinning up about this, though.


    Honestly, I don't care if there is any sexy female clothing and what not as long as the story and gameplay isn't affected. The only thing I insist on is the possibility of playing a female character and the world reacting to that.


    Your bitterness at games past aside, when you say you want the world to react to your PC being female, what kind of reactions are you thinking of, out of curiosity ?

    Not calling me "my lord/sir" etc. would be good. So taking the effort to replace words based on gender selection would definitely be appreciated. I'm not looking for a feminist game, just being able to play it without getting janked out of the story. I'd also like it if female NPCs wouldn't all automatically hit on me while male NPCs go out of their way to act like I'm their 'bro'. If there are character portraits, armour, etc. make them varied, some women do like to wear 'chainmail bikinis' but let it be their choice, just like some men might want to wear something else than a 'dress' when choosing a mage class. Other than that just act in a way that fits the story, no catering to one gender over the other please.

  5. Honestly, I don't care if there is any sexy female clothing and what not as long as the story and gameplay isn't affected. The only thing I insist on is the possibility of playing a female character and the world reacting to that. I'm sad to see so many RPGs forcing me to play a guy or when I do get to play a female it is tacked on and everything in the game is obviously geared towards a male gamer audience. [sarcasm] Yeah, let's just ignore the female playerbase because females don't game....they only play facebook 'games'. [/sarcasm].

  6. I thought this campaign was done very well. The daily updates, flexible add-ons, the amazing amount of questions answered in the Kickstarter comments, they all helped I'm sure. I've upgraded my pledge at least five times because of that. I still never expected the total to go over 3M though, that was amazing to watch.


    The only critique (more like worry) I had was poor Adam, he looked exhausted during those live streams. Personally I'd have sent him to bed instead of having him do those streams.

    • Like 3
  7. Just going to post this for posterity. Likely the last update from the Q&A sessions (why does it feel like the end of an era?)



    Obsidian (Darren): Hi everyone! I'm basically the last one in the office at this point - everyone's headed over the our local watering hole. On behalf of all of us, thank you. I've met some new friends here, and have seen some old, and we look forward to getting going. We'll be in touch soon with another update on how the survey will work, etc. BTW, PayPal is still open so if you just missed the KS, you can still hit that up. Not sure when that's coming down yet though (in place of pre-ordering). ANYWAYS - Thank you all, and it's time for a beer! :)

  8. *You notice a corpse lying partly in the shadows of a dark doorway. It has small scratches all over its body. Part of its face seems to have been eaten. Upon closer examination you see that there is part of a letter, ripped and torn, under the body. It is difficult to see because of the blood, but from what you can piece together, it reads*


    Dear Adam,


    You said cats at 4m, so here they are!


    - Chris


    • Like 9
  9. I see.... Ieo and I went to bed(or off to wherever) and any kind of mature, respectful conversation regarding a topic that is tied directly into a fully fleshed out diverse and deep world was tossed out the window with insults, 'not in MY game' comments and other-company-bashing.




    NOW I see why the mods kept closing the other threads about romance while I was a lurker.

    It is rather depressing isn't it?

  10. No. I pledged everything I could and more even (I'll be eating soup all of next month). But apparently Obsidian is thinking about opening a web store, lots of opportunities there for more spending when that gets here.


    So you could buy the cloth map if you wanted to?

    I have no idea if that will be in it, from what I read they were considering a poster of the Endless Dungeon and the Almanac, possibly the playing cards.

  11. Since you all pro-romance people ignored my question, I'll repost it:


    I have to ask a question that why romance-relationship would be deeper than what I suggested: A "Brothers in Arms" of type camaraderie without romances? What makes romances more deeper than relationship like that?


    I've never seen a game where that is really done well, in basicly almost all of the RPGs I've played companions are basicly your lackies, not your equal (or close to that).


    So why should romances get foreseat instead of that kind of friendship, since it's also almost never done well?

    From what I gather from interviews companions are your lackeys because otherwise they'd steal the spotlight away from you. There is an amount of player ego involved that most developers don't want to diminish. It doesn't sell as good for one. If you truly want that kind of camaraderie you end up playing co-op or something like that.

  12. I'm sorry; it's just that reading this kind of thing is more than just a little infuriating. It's downright disappointing. Asking for these kind of influences in what could be a glorious renaissance of Obsidian is just depressing and the last thing I wanted to see in the morning. Here we have something that has the potential to be great and already people are trying to pull it into the mud with their fell and selfish desires.

    I'm sorry, what? Just because people enjoy those romances you're now going to the point that they have fell and selfish desires and try to pull the game into the mud? Now that is disappointing. Everyone has their own things they like to see in the game and their own playstyle, one isn't necessarily more valid than another. Dragging a part of a fanbase through the mud just because they enjoy something and you don't is really crossing the line.

    • Like 1
  13. ^ Dude I'm a hater. I hated all of it. Not you, you strike me as a very nice guy, but jesus I hate CRPG romances.


    That's ok, I really hate having to play a guy (I'm looking at you PS:T / TW / AP). We all have our battles.


    That's a good point, games forcing you to play Male characters. Not to mention 'The Witcher 2' opening sex scene, forced romance in your face! I wonder how many people hate/enjoyed that game? Not talking about gameplay or combat, just simply the whole Witcher/Merigold theme.

    No words can express the amount of rage I felt when I heard one of few RPGs to finally come out had that in it.

  14. My guess is that you're not going to get an official answer to this. For one they might not want to offend the Kickstarter people by suggesting everyone to pledge through Paypal, because they take a smaller cut. This wouldn't have happened without Kickstarter after all.


    Point taken. I guess I'll toss some dice.


    Edit: couldn't find any dice, random number generator found on the internet told me to pick Paypal. So that's what I'll do :closed:


    $8 left on Kickstarter for the OO, the rest moved to PP. Couldn't resist moving up a tier while at it.



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