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About Rose

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  1. How is a fully developed bisexual character token while an otherwise identical fully developed homosexual or heterosexual character not? You do understand that the RP in RPG stands for "role-playing", right? A relationship simulator is an RPG, a fantasy combat simulator is not. I prefer RPGs that take place in fantasy worlds and feature combat as a major part of the game, just as I prefer fantasy novels with a strong plot as well as well developed characters over both Mills & Boon or mindless action. Absolutely. As long as that orientation is bi for all romancable characters, irrespective of the sex of the PC Well, actually I don't mind either way, they can be bi or switch orientation, whatever the devs prefer. But I seriously agree with everything else in your post. I'm just curious... why is it that you love interests need to all be bi or switch? Are you looking at it from a developer's point of view, where it would be a bit of a pain to have to write a bunch of different romances, or do you think it's more fair that the same NPC is available for people playing whatever gender? I look at it as though each NPC should be distinct, and making them all bi or switch based off PC gender robs them a bit of that. Some of them could be heterosexual, some of them homosexual, and some of them genuinely bisexual in a way that's written into their character to be so. Sexuality can often be a large part of someone's personality, and I think to make them change according to the PC makes it harder for the NPC to be their own unique character. I feel it could be potentially interesting to see someone play a homosexual PC that tries to hit on a hetero NPC and get rebuffed. Or maybe it could be part of the explored themes somewhere to see how NPCs deal with either accepting or being uncomfortable with the orientations of other party members, if they intend to take the game in a philosophical direction. Although that would probably be too, I don't know... modern a concern, I suppose, for the setting of this game. But I'm rambling a bit. I'd still like to know, why do you think they need to be bi or switchable?
  2. I favor romances. My wishes are these (keep in mind they are only wishes, I understand some things could be too complicated and time consuming to include): One, I'd like that the orientation of the LI is their own and doesn't change based on the sex of the PC. Two, I'd like it to be possible for there to be minor disagreements in the developing relationship that don't necessarily break the romance, because really, everyone squabbles. It's not the end of the world. Three, that the romance isn't dependent on the LI bringing it up- I'd like the PC to actually have to do some legwork here and be able to initiate interactions... actually, I'd like that for both friendships and romances... and four, that even if the romance isn't directly tied into the main game and so its major development ends before the game does, there can still be some small player forced or timed interactions to remind the player that their PC did engage in a relationship. Or maybe interactions with non-party NPCs that remind you- some random guy or gal hits on or threatens or what-have-you at the PC and the LI reacts. I'd like it to be possible to have friendship and romance paths, meaning that if a romance is declined, a separate and distinctly developed platonic relationship storyline can occur if you choose to spend time getting to know the NPC. Or maybe a declined romance could spiral into a spiteful, undermining party member who stabs you in the back later in revenge or jealousy of a romance that you DID accept. As far as the actual romance stories themselves and saying things like "PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT CHEESY" and whatnot... I leave it to the writers. I've got faith in their ability to weave satisfying stories... sometimes cheese can be endearing if done correctly, you know? I just wanted to include what I'd like to experience in the course of the game after having played other ones.
  3. Yes, let's please bring back narrative and imagination. Cut scenes can be useful in key places (I found it extremely satisfying to see Irenicus' magic fail and him get tackled into the pits by demons when I first played Baldur's Gate 2), but there's nothing quite like a good story teller who can make your mind race with images all of its own. I mean, aren't those self-made mental pictures and interpretations what fantasy is all about?
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