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Everything posted by EducatedFool

  1. That is a terrific idea. The regular dialogue options should be there, but enterprising players should find unusual or stange dialogue options if bothering to try them. This search window is an excellent idea. Something like that has been implemented in Fallout, but noone ever used it, as nothing came out of it. I would very much like an encounter, where rational thinking and an in-depth knowledge of the game would bring you some rewards. Like in PS:T, where a conversation with Dak'kon would result in new spells, and bonuses to the ally. Choices I would very much like multi-lateral quests, with many solutions. For instance when information is needed from an NPC you can bribe him with money (if you have), do a quest for him, intimidate him (if you have an adeqate skill), or use a spell (if you have a mage in your party), steal the information (with thief skills), or simply talk him out of it (with speech skill). This should not take up too much resources, only the integration of party members. Please avoid situations, where only bad choices exist, a clever player should find a way out of any situation. "No guiding hand An immersion breaker in modern games is the relentless pace. Not in Project Eternity. Here it is important to pay attention to the dialogue. Little is gained by following quest markers or checking objectives. Facts are recorded, but the player jots down his/her own conclusions in the journal next to them, and chooses his/her plan of action. The minimap is not a substitute for looking at where you are going, players need to familiarize themselves with the game world. Help is readily available by talking to people, but the right questions need to be asked. Superior solutions to quests apparent only with understanding and immersion are available next to regular endings." Completely agree. If you are too lazy to read your journal, cRPGs might not be the genre for you. "Leveling A Fallout approach is chosen in lieu of fixed classes. It's possible to pick up formerly unknown skills during the story which are not included in a skill tree/pool, and different types of equipment have unique actions." Completely agree. The best example is the Stories-Bones-Tell skill in PS:T. You gained it at the middle of the game, but you could use it on some NPCs, gaining additional bonuses, Xacarias for instance. Skills ADnD is completely devoid of any non-combat skills. This is sad, as character options are limited to various types of fighters. By including non-cobat skills, dialogue options could be spiced up, by showing certain options only to individuals with adequate skills. This was done perfectly, although rarely in Fallout, where posessing the right skills opened up new dialogue options. Consequences of actions In many cRPGs violence has no retribution, a city guard will gladly let you walk away from any massacre unharmed. This should be changed. Not directly, by subtle changes in the game. For instance if you kill three families in a village, even if you have not been seen the others turn extremely suspicious of strangers, and you will have to triple the price you pay for everything in the village, and the difficulty of persuasion rolls should increase. Or certain shops will simply close, certain NPCs go into hiding, whole sidequests will vanish if the player goes on a killing spree. Or if you rob houses, merchants will increase their prices muttering something about losses to thieves. Multiple takes on the stoyline Playing different factions the player should have slightly different takes on the story. For instance if you play faction A, your quest is to deliver an item to somewhere. If you play faction B, your job is to take the same item from the caravan thats transporting it for faction A. This way you don't need to add completely new storylines for every faction, still increase the game's replay value. It might be possible to enrich the storyline, some causes of events could only be seen if playind a particular faction, others only see the consequences. This was done excellently in Nethergate.
  2. The way it was done in Fallout and Fallout2 was pretty cool, with perks like Married, or Expert excrement expeditor. The method of Planescape:Torment was truly imaginative and fantastic, where you could buy new tattoos after visiting places or certain dialogue options. The consol method is boring and simply an annoyance for instance Mass Effect's achievments are simply dull.
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