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Posts posted by Buddhist



    It's noon Tuesday in their offices.


    Keep cool, dawg.

    This is why people need to stop developing content on the West Coast.


    They need to move to australia ...today .. and valve too!


    At least then Valve would be able to justify their release schedule with "some weird stuff from being near the International Date Line that nobody really understands".

  2. Stargate and Marvel's Thor take an interesting approach on this with extra-terrestrials being worshiped as gods.


    This is so common nowadays that it's completely boring. Really. If something like that was in Project Eternity I would probably throw a hissyfit while calling for the mass execution of the writers (or whichever soulless, brainless monster was responsible for making it be that way).

  3. You could have several classes/factions of Gods. The Stranger Gods (for example), could be nigh-incomprehensible gods of the Abstract. I.E., they govern more "abstract" and strange concepts. They clash with the Closer Gods, which are your normal "pantheon", and they govern things which are more easily understood and familiar to people. There could be a third, singular "pantheistic" God who simply IS the whole (material) universe, like I posted here.

  4. It may be cool to have a mixture of Polytheism and Pantheism. You have a pantheon of Gods, and then you have a God who encompasses all living things and the very earth itself. In the following word barf, I take liberties with the fact that very little is known about the world in Project Eternity and that there are some things that I made up for it purely because it sounds cool. And if you guys don't use this, I totally will XD


    Asgotha, also known as the Allthing or the Allwomb, Goddes of the Materium. When the many Gods and Goddessesof Heaven were all busy occupied in one form of revelry or another, plotting against one another and being generally self-absorbed, another Goddess sought something better. The legends say that Asgoth, a minor God who would spend her time among the Gods tinkering and building little things, looked below and saw an empty void. She wished to fill the universe with creation, with worlds of life and stars of light. Now gripped by vision, she tore a pound of her own flesh from her own body and crafted the Universe with her hands. Nimbly and skillfully she built many a planet and star with care and tenderness, spending eons with her slowly unfolding creation. Soon, the other Gods took notice of the universe forming beneath their feet and the decadent revelry ceased. They were seized by a profound jealousy of her creation, each one wishing to be the supreme ruler of the Materium Below. One thing they all shared, save Asgotha herself, was a wish to rule the Materium Below, but Asgotha was well-liked and no one was sure of what to do. Katero, the God of Schemes (and soon to be the God of Crime and Outlaws), decided to take matters into his own hands and plotted her death. He knew that when she died, the Many Gods of Heaven would fight each other for control in the ensuing power vacuum. He approached Asgotha while she slept, tired from her work, and he slit shoved a stilleto into her back and cast her down into the Materium Below. She landed upon one of her many worlds by crashing into the ocean, near the shores, and from her mortal wounds the seas were filled with her blood. She shed a single tear while she slowly died, drowning at the edge of the sea, her own creation. In her death, she gave life to the lifeless world, and from her corpse the first creatures were born. The first of the White Blood Cypresses, giant trees that grow in the ocean, grew from her own body.


    All of the world is of Asgotha. All living creatuers are of Asgotha, connected. She herself may be dead, but her spirit lives on through the world itself; all things share her breath, her spirit. Those who worship Asgotha tend to be naturists and druids living in isolated communes and villages who wish to invoke and cultivate nature.

  5. Amoggrah, Horned God of Rage, Confidence, Domination and Hatred


    Amoggrah is the patron God of Warriors. Right before battle, many soldiers would invoke Amoggrah in occult rituals, soon becoming possessed by an unquenchable bloodlust and rage that would allow them to perform unspeakably violent acts in battle and show a level of courage and bravery that they would otherwise not possess. Worship of Amoggrah was soon outlawed among formal armies, save for certain individuals. Soldiers who invoked Amoggrah became completely uncontrollable in the course of battle, resulting in troops that officers couldn't command and didn't discriminate between friend and foe when they had met the enemy in battle. The punishment for Amoggrah Worship among most militaries is castration.


    Katero, God of Schemes, Deception, Murder, Crime and Outlaws


    Katero, a kind of trickster God, is not welcome within the pantheon. Infamous among his brethren for kleptomania and being blamed for the elaborate murder of two gods and the rape of another, Katero is forever on the run from his kin, hiding among their ranks or among the mortals below. Mortals who invoke Katero tend to be on the fringes of society, either as thieves hoping for a successful heist, a fugitive praying to go unnoticed, or an assassin who prays for the quiet death of his prey. Similar to Santa Muerte among latin american criminals.

  6. Apparently you've never touched Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, Bruce :D


    No I haven't play ME in MP. But is that a example for bad coding? I know many stable single player games that become problematic in MP


    In fact one positive thing I will say about Bioware is that with DA1&2 and all the ME I had almost no crashes. The games were very stable. Isn't that a sign of good development skills?


    It's one thing to make a game stable and another to make it bug-free entirely.

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