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About Voror

  • Rank
    Judge of the Obsidian Order
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. Was a little surprised to see the expansion, given that it won't be out for some time after the game releases and I'd imagine they would have wanted to see how sales outside the KS go, but I am happy to see it. Problem is, I can't go for the $250. I am at $140 currently and I would love to go higher, but I can't. Now if there is an add-on for the expansion, I can do that. Shame though, I really want a copy of that book. Well, provided it is actually substantial and not some 30 page deal you get with some sets.
  2. We do need some sort of big goal and I seem to recall Feargus I think saying that they have been discussing it quite a bit, though I can understand wanting to be completely sure on what you want to do and all that.
  3. That backstory for the place alone sounds pretty neat and it's nice to see a bit of lore from the game world as well.
  4. Illinois, USA. I must confess some surprise at how many from Europe there are, but it's also rather nice to know that there are fans from all over the world supporting the game. That probably sounds hokey.
  5. yup, photoshop, Template for Shield is above Voror and the peeps who run the forum will get round to changing your member title Thank you
  6. Did you two use photoshop for those Avatars? And how do we change our member title?
  7. Just upped mine by $8. This really is a fun idea and I like the one about getting Obsidian to perhaps give us a shout-out in the game. We can pick the name, correct? Voror, Judge of the Obsidian Order. If that's alright, of course.
  8. Why in the FAQ? They have an own subsection on the Kickstarter Project Eternity main page called "Rewards" in which every tier is listed with all its benefits in form of some nice graphics. They already updated this graphical list with the new digital tiers. Check it out. Ah, thank you. Last I had checked the list hadn't been updated. I must admit to being a bit confused that some of the rewards in the lower tiers don't go to the higher ones. Like why does only the $140 tier get the beta key, but none of the above ones do? Doesn't bother me as much since that is the tier I went with, but now I'm not sure if I'll go up to $250 like I was possibly planning to. I think they need to iron out the visualization of the tiers a bit. The key really should be on every tier above 140, and honestly I can't think of many good reasons that the "digital fun pack" can't be in higher tiers as well. I mean, I understand that they're international, digital replacements for the physical things in the 100/140 tier, but I don't see why someone who owns the physical map shouldn't get a digital version to use as a wallpaper or whatever. Or the digital guide in the digital only tier for the higher ones. Well, we have plenty of time to iron out details on these I suppose.
  9. Why in the FAQ? They have an own subsection on the Kickstarter Project Eternity main page called "Rewards" in which every tier is listed with all its benefits in form of some nice graphics. They already updated this graphical list with the new digital tiers. Check it out. Ah, thank you. Last I had checked the list hadn't been updated. I must admit to being a bit confused that some of the rewards in the lower tiers don't go to the higher ones. Like why does only the $140 tier get the beta key, but none of the above ones do? Doesn't bother me as much since that is the tier I went with, but now I'm not sure if I'll go up to $250 like I was possibly planning to.
  10. Don't know if anyone else might have pointed this out, but it may be a good idea to perhaps update the FAQ on the main page with explanations on what each tier offers in order to account for additional things like beta access. That way, there hopefully won't be any confusion.
  11. I could see this reaching Wasteland 2's numbers and hopefully beyond past $3 Million. My max expectation would be $4 though. I think it will help if they do regular updates outlining more information about the game. I know I always liked hearing updates from the people behind the game in videos like during some of the other campaigns. Certain goals might also help beyond what has been offered. I remember WL2 getting a push when it was announced Chris would be helping out a bit if we reached a certain number. Not really sure what they could do like that, though I saw a topic about George Ziets coming onboard as a possible goal to shoot for. Reaching all the current goals at least would be enough for me right now.
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