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Everything posted by Vasid

  1. I don't want a New Game + per-se, rather I'd like to be rewarded for having beat the game with skills/items/money or at least SOMETHING carried over to the next character. Odds are I'm going to be playing this game multiple times, assuming it's your triditional widely varried in plot CRPG, and as such I'd like something to remind me of the acompishment of beating it previously. I'd even just take a mysteriously aged statue of my former character hidden in some ancient temple that I probably won't even notice, just something.
  2. Chris, I've been a huge fan of Obsidian for a long time now, as such I'd like to see more of what you're best at: well written and heavily stat based RPGs with creative worlds feating strong philosophical undercurrents. I'm a huge fan of Torment and would love to see something like this modern (Though I'd rather see a new IP than a sequel), I just loved it's deep undertones, and emphasis on conversation and how stats tied into that. That said, I'm playing through New Vegas now with a big dumb brawler, and am saddened by the general lack of low int conversation options and how terrible the H2H feels... If you could make a combat system that not only made hand to hand and melee weapons feel as weighted as they should, but that also had flowing combat that looked great from third person perspective, I feel like you could get a lot of attention. Especially with a lot of world interactivity (that was my favorite part of playing ShadowRun with my friends, I would always get creative with the environment around me, and it's something no Video game has been able to capture) as part of the combat. So, yeah, more dialogue choses based on stats, skills, and your past actions (though you guys are already pretty much leading the way on this), a satisfying combat engine that feels weighted, and an original IP that touches on deep subject matter is all it would take to make me absurdly happy. Actually you mention niche markets, here's a thought: Make a modern top-down, point and click RPG, no lead character voiced dialogue, talking heads for other characters (though maybe done in a creative way as I'd still like the world to be detailed and in 3D, I'd even like it to allow me to get in and play in first person if I so choose, but I wouldn't want that to be the recommended way to play). One way or another, I have faith in you guys, and any game you make I'll purchase at this point, so just keep up the great work.
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