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Posts posted by Gabrielle

  1. This may seem a stupid question, but isn't it supposed to be that your character can chose Force Crush and Force Rage in the game?


    I don't know if this is asked before, or if it is in the game, but I heard some things about it and the trailer shows Force Crush, and I've seen a screenshot of Force Rage.

    Maybe you have to learn it from a NPC, I don't know. Can someone explain?

    They are limited to the Darkside prestige classes. Force Crush is for Sith Lords and I think Force Rage is for Maurader. Or is that Fury? Hmm

  2. You can play neutral and get the benefits of LS and DS if you play it right. Sometimes you have to slip over to DS or LS to achieve some things but I'll make sure Ill gain lightside or darkside points to knock me back into the grey area. I prefer DS though.

  3. Bao-Dur ~ 2/5 ~ The tortured soul thing has been done before and better. He's too mild. If he truly regrets the destruction he wrought at Malachor V, make him show it. He could be self-destructive, he could hate himself, he could have righteous fury whenever he sees war being forced upon people (like Onderon). But as it is, we just get some dialogue here and there about how he still sees the ships, or somesuch. Desperately needs fleshing out.
    I would tend to agree with this score. Too bad some things with him were never fully explored. He was a character that had a history with you, something that the developers could have capitalize on but didn't.


    Mandalore ~ 2/5 ~ He has a purpose in the game's Dxun and Ravager quests, and he has a background that ties in with K1, but otherwise he's got nothing to say. He's a hired gun. Why did he think himself worthy of being the new Mandalore? He follows the Exile because he thinks the Exile will lead him to other Mandalorians he can use to strengthen his cause, but is it fitting for Mandalore to follow anyone?



    Another one gone to waste since he could have fleshed out a lot of information on Revan but ended up being a tag along.

  4. I'll tolerate sub par, not bad graphics, but I won't tolerate sound that sucks.


    Define sub par though. I, personally, wouldn't go anything below the IE games. While I'm not a graphics whore, I do need some degree of graphics to immerse myself.

    2D games like the IE and Fallout games is good. Blocky 3D games or where I can see the pixels is bad.

  5. Sound has to be top notch or I won't play it. Crappy sound and music won't cut it for me in a game. VtM: Bloodlines has one of the best soundtracks out there which is one of the reasons I enjoy this game, even though it has bugs.

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