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Posts posted by Gabrielle

  1. Looks like Obsidian have finally noticed that they won this award.  The home page has changed.  It's what now, a week since the official announcement?  Two weeks since we knew unofficially?


    I'm sure they're all busy QA-testing NWN2.  Gotta catch them bugs! :)


    Congratulations, Obsidian!  (again)

    You would think their Devs would say something to the higher up about news like this. We the fans bring in the info and links to stuff like this and the Devs do make appreances on here.

  2. I've never understood the hunting games. Play a PC game so you can sit and stare at the screen waiting for a deer to 'walk' by?


    For the lazy hunters who do not want to get up ealy in the morning, go out in the cold and wait for a deer.

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