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Posts posted by Gabrielle

  1. DL: I didn't like that Malak...in fact he didn't look like Malak, and he wasn't as sexy as I wanted him to be...So I re work on my sketch and here's the result (much better I think...)


    Draken Fett: Here's your Bastila!


    Zulu: You defenitly have to finish that wallpaper! I want it on my computer... ;)


    Sentry: That Lord Satasn has also to be finish :blink: 


    ED :wub:

    Nice looking Bastila. :o

  2. Nah. High level fighter/mages multiclass is the best there is.


    I see you're new to powergaming, then.


    Try either Assassin/cleric (DuHM + RM + Staff of the Ram + assassination, anyone?) or Assassin/mage (mislead exploit), maybe even Assassin/fighter (using assassination) if you're after damage. Fighter/mages suck in that regard.


    Note: this is in the context of BG2/ToB.

    Nope. Been a powergamer since Diablo came out. >_<

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