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Posts posted by Gabrielle

  1. I prefer 2D games over 3D games myself. Usually 2D games in people's opinions are not so great graphically, but at least those old games have better roleplaying and replaying ability. A lot of these new games are throw aways. You play through it once and you don't play it again. You go out and buy the "newest" game.

  2. I'm 100% against killing Revan, as you all know by now.  :)  And not just because I liked his character, either.  Killing him/her off would be the lazy way out, I think.  They could write around it, though it might prove difficult, especially if they try to incorporate both the LS and DS aspects of Revan's character into the game.  But oh, it can be done.  If K2 didn't have so much focus on Revan, LA might not have such a big problem with continuity.  Way to dig a hole for yourselves, guys.  :devil:  Also, no Mandalore/Canderous in K3, either (at least as a party member).  And also, please improve HK-47's character.  I loved him in K1, hated him in K2.  He just wasn't funny.

    Revan's dead, Moths. :shifty:

    Afraid you're wrong there old timer. Try again. :)

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