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Posts posted by Gabrielle

  1. These card manufactorers suck. What is this release a card every month? No wonder i'm stuck with an ATI 9600 at the moment. I buy something new now and it's been replaced in a few weeks with some new, powerful and uber!



    But that doesnt mean you should wait until your old card is barely useable until you buy a new one :- And no, AGP is an obsolete and dead bus, when you upgrade Id suggest replacing your entire core (motherboard, GFX, processor)



    9600? Hmm.. that must be around 3-4years old?

    No I can't replace the motherboard, nothing wrong with it. Too much of a cost issue replacing a bunch of things when all I really need is a up to date graphics card.

  2. These card manufactorers suck. What is this release a card every month? No wonder i'm stuck with an ATI 9600 at the moment. I buy something new now and it's been replaced in a few weeks with some new, powerful and uber!



    "The PC gaming market is not what it once was - graphic card manufacturers are full of greedy, squabbling executives. There is no interest in the common good. Now, if one were to choose a new console - a strong console, then this tragedy will not be allowed to continue."

    Oh NOES! thats the ultimate darkside. evil evil consoles. :wub:

  3. How could Winn not know that was Dukat?  Man what a ditz.  And Roms' kid screaming his ass off when he lost his leg was kind of neat too.

    LOL that was good wan't it?


    Plus Winn was one that wasn't too bright to begin with. She betrayed her faith and got what was coming to her.

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