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Posts posted by Moose

  1. Spend 20 bucks on a pair of dumbbells and that's all you need for a complete workout. If you're like me and don't care for body building but just actual real athletic strength then you'll get plenty of proper exercise from them, particularly if you focus on the weaker muscles (for me the deltoids). Really gets you puffing. The great thing about arm exercises is you can be reading whilst doing them, cos god knows any non sporty exercise is boring as a sermon in latin.

  2. I'd agree with you, but for all we know we might be the only intelligent species to ever exist throughout the cosmos, throughout all eternity. No matter how rubbish we are, we're still number 1 on a universal scale.

  3. You're being obtuse again.


    Managers may tailor a job to the individual. If a person's likely to do the job better than another person, then the company might offer more money, but it's still the JOB that dictates the pay, not the person's actual worth. You don't get paid more because you're worth more, you get paid more because doing the JOB better is worth more.


    This is really the point: if you're stuck in a job where you feel you're not being paid "what you're worth", that's because the management don't give a crap whether you do it poorly or well - common scenarios would be manual labour, i.e Post Office; McDonalds; Cleaning.

  4. And often it's not even what the job is worth so much as demand.


    *Groan*. What something is worth is dependant on demand, these are not seperate qualities. You could have the original holy grail sitting on your coffee table, it wouldn't be worth a penny if nobody in the world wanted it. I can't believe I'm having to explain this, it's downright trivial.

  5. You mean like this http://www.federalpost.ru/crime/issue_32387.html


    "Baku, Azerbaijan.


    In October 2009, a 17-year old - Rapist A, lured an 8-year old boy into his truck and raped him. A passer-by scared off Rapist A. The passer-by (hereinafter - Rapist B), seeing Rapist A flee, climbed into the truck, threatened the boy and raped the boy again.


    The boy's father, the boy's uncle and the father's relative eventually tracked down Rapist A. The boy's father raped rapist A, captured the rape on his mobile phone and started sending the video of the rape to everybody in Baku.


    Both rapists (A and B) and the father's boy, uncle and relative are now in custody.


    Only in Azerbaijan"


    Two, three or four wrongs make a right huh?

  6. I want a government that reintroduces manafacturing, research and design - generally speaking actual real industry. I don't care if it generates less income than inner city financial services (and I would argue this is nonsense anyway), it's bloody depressing having your university physics department close because "physics isn't necessary anymore". As a country we've really lost the plot on what's important, and it's not working 10 years in cramped conditions to retire early having achieved nothing meaninfgul for yourself or the nation or indeed mankind.

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