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About PsychicToaster

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  1. A few questions. . I've been looking into DePaul University in Illinois and Collins College in Arizona. Anyone have any input on these schools or know anyone who graduated from them? Also, I have a bachelor's degree in Film and Theatre, with an emphasis on directing, but I did take some comp sci (mostly Java) courses for program design before graduating. Does anyone have any recommendations for master's degree programs that offer a "catch up" phase for those who ave BA's that don't directly apply? I know DePaul offers them for their master's degrees, but their master's programs don't include game design, just game art. Some of the others just offer general MS in comp sci. As far as outside of the classroom learning goes, is there any language anyone recommends? I can only focus on one at a time, and the choices I'm looking at starting with are C, C++, C#, and SQL and XML for database integration. With Vista on the horizon is C/C++ being shoved to the left for C# or does C++ still dominate?
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