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About deuxhero

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  1. Sorry everyone, offended people are more important than this issue. Obsidian needs to use its resources to sanitize text before it can even start working on fixing this.
  2. I'm so glad #killallmen got priority over these issues...
  3. I'm so glad we used the dev time to change the memorial instead...
  4. I want to say I hope Sawyer is enjoying his weekend, because it doesn't seem the devs who saw him enable threats against them are.
  5. All you had to do was ignore the damn Nazi Obisidan!
  6. Obsidian: This is the future you chose. You chose... poorly.
  7. Feargus is/was drinking with one of the bioware doctors. Not on the clock and still a better use of company resouces than "fixing" this was.
  8. Yes, Sawyer is reponsible for wasting the team's time (and by extension money) giving this non issue attention over actualy issues which still remain.
  9. yup. you're a bible miner. figured. because you are not trained in any kind of diagnostics wrt to mental health care. sorry, just like reading WebMD doesn't make you a doctor, reading that book doesn't make you a doctor, either. your ignorance speaks literal volumes. you should quit while you're already 20 feet deep in a well of your own design. So saying that Christ makes EVERYTHING in levititcus null for modern christians is Bible mining? That's the point of the famed "kill and eat" scene among others. Are yous aying "Erika" isn't actually trans and is just faking it and I'm an idiot for thinking otherwise?
  10. He's mentally ill because Gender Dysphoria is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. you strike me as the kind of person who would quote mine Leviticus. you have NO idea what you're talking about. none. it's like if you said that a runny nose is a sign of infection by Ebola. For one Levititcus is entirely null thanks to the word of Christ and replaced by the laws he lays out. Two: How? I said someone is mentally il because they have a mental illness defined by the main guide on mental illness published by the leading Psychiatric group.
  11. Are you instead arguing that gender dysphoria is not real?
  12. He's mentally ill because Gender Dysphoria is in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
  13. Especially because I've seen the Kill All men dude's picture. If you just showed that to someone there's no way they'd think he was female. Not even in a "can't pass" way, there's no sign he's even trying to look female. And there it is: the response to any criticism of transphobia immediately justifies such criticism. Disliking someone who is borderline insane is hardly what you'd call transphobia. I guess people are transphobes for disliking Hitler as well. No borderline. Unless Eric has been faking it, he claims to have a serious mental illness listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
  14. Could have saved us a lot of trouble just saying that you were a transphobe instead of dressing it up in that whole freedom of speech cloak. Throughout every single thread I never saw you condemn the repeated and serious use of kill all men. At best you merely deflected from it.
  15. Especially because I've seen the Kill All men dude's picture. If you just showed that to someone there's no way they'd think he was female. Not even in a "can't pass" way, there's no sign he's even trying to look female.
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