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Everything posted by goetzm

  1. Instead of playing the Ironic of the Day (not to be rude...) you should lay more weight in pointing out what you meant with "That". I mentioned several things which are weaknesses of the game after my opinion. And besides that, it's surely better to let this thread stay at its topic, isn't it? I apologize for leaving the trail, ;-). greedz!
  2. Hi, I'm following your opinion, this is exactly the way it should be! There are far enough other keys/buttons to press, why should Ibe bothered with taking care that the camera is always behind my character. Nothing against the possibility to look around - the guys at Obsidian should have a look at the name giving outstanding original games from GPG! The tunnel like view of DSIII, the lack of zooming out to have an overview over the scene, the lack of looking up in the sky - DSIII is no Dungeon Siege and I can hardly believe, that Chris Taylor should have taken more than a glance. But to get back to the plan: If Obsidian could expand the game with an auto-following camera mode, that would be more than nice, it would surely add playability, above all in fights! greedz!
  3. I am looking for this option, too. I did search the forum, but couldn't find answer yet. Could someone pls. tell us how to enter local coop? Would be great, ).
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