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About scalvox

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. don't worry arane. Thanks for your help and for sharing your experience.
  2. ok but we are trying to solve the problem for the Xbox Version of the game. The question is always the same, why the hell the developer didn't put a sort of counter for this type of achievement (like GOW3?)
  3. I will try again... but it's really frustrating. Got the deed "spent more than 250.000 gold" with Finch. But nope... i'm sure that i've selled more than 100.000 gold items... but... if it's another value... what is this value? il try again but i'm really disappointed... and still no response from devs...
  4. I've got the same problem. The Achievement "MErchant of Heb" did'nt popped. I've sellede more than 100.000.. i've another question: where can i farm for item to sell ?
  5. yes, and i cannot find any info about it.
  6. Good morning, i've a little problem with my game. I'm in stonebridge, playing as katarina, and the Pg is at level 23. The problem is simple but big: when i kill ANY enemy, during quest or not, i'm not receiving any exp point. The stats is stuck and it grows up only when i "complete a quest". Someone can explain to me what the hell is going wrong?
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