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Posts posted by athlondude

  1. I would like for Obsidian bow out and hand the rights back over to Gas Powered Games. Honestly, while DS3 wasnt completely horrible, it was scarcely a Dungeon Siege game. It needs to be more simplistic like the original DS games DS1 and DS2. They also need to bring back the original levelling system, and armor, weapons, spells, etc... should have larger variety. Finally it should be alot freindlier for the PC considering the first two were written for the PC.

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  2. Yep its official alright, that is to say I am officially calling bull**** on the very idea that DS3 is better than Diablo 3. Look, DS3 wasnt a bad game, I even played it all the way through despit the complete lack of connection between it and the 2 previous games. The problem with DS3 is it abandoned nearly every thing that made the dungeon siege franchise so enjoyable to begin with, and turned it into little more than an arcade romp. Granted the graphics were good, as well as the animations and etc. but you can't really say that DS3 is better than Diablo 3 because you are comparing a finished product to an unfinished product. Not to mention that Blizzard has never made a bad game. I'm sorry, I gotta call bull****. :lol:

  3. Yeah, I liked DS3 better when it was called Gauntlet. Seriously DS3 is nothing more than an arcade version of the original game, and there is so little of the first two in this one that it has nothing to do with the DS universe other than the name. I find this shocking especially since obsidian put out Never Winter Nights 2, and a few other killer titles so I can't help but be dissappointed. Thank God Blizzard is doing Diablo as I am sure it will up to its name.


    Ok I will present to you a choice.


    1) You are ignorant, cynical and spouting the same nonsense that every CLUELESS hater is spouting.

    2) You have no idea what you are talking about and forgot the mantra, "Better to be silent and appear stupid, than open mouth and remove all doubt."


    Throughout THE ENTIRE GAME events and characters of the past are referenced over and over and over again. IN FACT there is an entire level in the game dedicated to those past games... AND a quest called Dungeon Siege. If that is Obsidian's way of going off the beaten path of the old games then I am sure as hell glad they didn't give this game to BioWare. In every possible way, DS3 is better than DA2. In every way. So I can only assume the reason the review scores are so low is that people are snubbing Obsidian and they have their heads up BioWares asses.


    Obsidian and DS3 are 1000 times better than BioWare (or any other RPG developer right now, and that include SquEnix.. FF13? a joke).


    Arcade? Seriously? Where are you putting your quarters? Wait.. I dunwannaknow. Yeah, calling DS3 (a dungeon crawling hack n' slash) arcade-like is about as smart as calling any fighting game an arcade game.


    My goodness did that suck! Wow and I thought you were smarter than that.


    First off I could give a rip less if they referenced every character, landmark, what the hell ever in the last two games because the second game never referenced any of that crap in the first so dont EVEN pull that crap on me. Secondly, why the hell are you bringing up Bioware and Dragon Age 2? I sure as hell didnt, I dont even own DA or DA2 so ummm.....you go on hating it I dont care. Third I never said "I hate Obsidian". I sure as hell dont like what they did with DS3 mainly because IN MY OPINION it is not a true Dungeon Siege game. There were things specific to Dungeon Siege that I feel were essential to making a good and true Dungeon Siege experience and this game had none of those, so TO ME it blows goat ass!


    Now as far me being ignorant and clueless, I dont think so. I have been a long time fan of the DS series which originated on the PC and considering I shelled out $50 for the damn game and since I am the one who is not satisfied with it so yeah I'll spout all the hate for it I want. As far as not knowing what I am talking about? Yeah I think I do, considering how many games I have played and all the Dungeon Siege time I have put in you bet your ass I do.


    And yes I said it, ARCADE! Are you kidding me? You really think this game is some hard hitting in depth RPG? The damn game lasts 12 to 14 hours max. The game play is way to similar to that of Fable or Kingdom Hearts two very ARCADE style games, and yes even Gauntlet (especially the sword of seven sorrows).


    Obsidian and DS3 1000 times better than Bioware and any other RPG developer? I am shocked that all the WOW lovers haven't flamed you for that statement alone, I mean come on dude, I'm no fan of WOW, but even I have to admit that Blizzard wrote the book on RPGs.


    Wow, now after writing all that I feel much better, mainly because it looks like the real clueless person here who doesnt know what they are talking about is you!

  4. You fanbpys know why gamers get so angry about bad games? Developers and publishers don't stand by the products they create and refuse to offer refunds for unsatisfied customers. So people complain ... it's all they can do and even then it falls on primarily deaf ears only to be met with vitriolic fanbboy responses from intellectually dishonest individuals.


    If the game is broken, or destroys a computer, I may agree with you...but a game that works, your crazy.


    What, you're going to go eat at a Restuarant and if you don't like the food that you chose and ordered and was made according to regulations, you won't pay. I believe that's called Stealing.


    Then again, maybe you are one of those criminals and should be put away.


    IF it doesn't work or breaks your computer, I'd be all behind you, but to try to get money back on a working product is simply criminal in my opinion.


    At least you aren't as bad as the pirates.


    Actually most REAL resturaunts will offer you something different at no charge if you were not satisfied with your meal for any reason. I know for myself I was offered something different for dishes that weren't particularly as appetizing as it looked in the menu, heck one resturaunt even paid for my meal because THEY thought it took longer to come out than it should have. Now of course you dont see this everywhere, but there are those that do. The same can be said with game companies for example, Microsoft use to and may still offer a money back guarrantee if you are not satisfied with the product, and there are a couple others that use to do that as well. Unfotunately thanks to software piracy this is something that many companies have either stopped doing, or wont even consider doing it at all.

  5. I am just curious if obsidian are planning on making any kind of announcement on the HUGE amount of outrage that has come from from the community?


    It would be horrible if Obsidian would do that since most of the complaints are completely incoherent nonsense resulting from obtuse and imperceptive mentality..


    It would be like 98% of scientists apologizing for the creationism outrage because 56% of people are indoctrinated into thinking that primitive scribblings of goat herders a couple of thousand years ago is more valuable than empirical knowledge.


    You know its one thing to get on here and complain and get into heated discussions and get stupid with each other over something that quite honestly is not that important to begin with. Its another to make negative comments reguarding someones personal Scientific, or Spiritual beliefs. That my friend is completely out of line, I wouldnt do that to you, and I dont espect you to do that to me. I am reporting your post, and I certainly hope you get banned because that is uncalled for!

  6. as for complaints i paid $60 bucks for this game therefore i have the right to complain as much as i want to and so does anyone else who paid good money for it...
    Because? There was a demo and reviews, no one told you to get the game before researching whether it suited your tastes or not.


    Thats a BS statement if I ever heard one, you know how many reviews I read that thought a game was so great, and then it ended up being terrible. Like Beauty, a good game is in the eye of the player, many people hated FEAR 2, but I loved it. Same can be said with DS3 I have ready more good reviews than bad, that doesn't make it a good game in my eyes because it is too far gone from the orignal formula that made the originals so good in my eyes, but there again I am the one that has to be satisfied with it, and I am not. And demos? I have played many demos that sucked, but the game ended up being rock solid, case in point Star Trek Online, the demo and beta sucked but the game ended up being good.

  7. Normally, I would shelve a game of which I was disappointed, and believe me, nowadays that is common. In this particular case, though, seeing the Dungeon Siege name I feel compelled to write a short complaint note in the hopes that someone who worked on it will read it.


    As an engineer in the games industry, I understand plenty about being forced in to bad decisions. But a handful of them seem unbelievable and avoidable.


    Controls: I'm aware they're being fixed, but that's not an excuse. When GPG managed to make a superior control system 10 years ago, you know you have a problem. Your controls are terrible, particularly the camera control. I've developed camera controls before and I can't quite comprehend how a product of this caliber could fall so short on such a basic element. Hold right click to move? Really??? Run up to items and press e to pick them up? What in the world? Did you play the first two games?


    Inventory: You're making dungeon siege. Do not change the inventory. Inventory management is a pillar of gameplay for dungeon siege. The game practically revolves around the acquisition of items. We've all played console games with fun inventory systems, even the original diablo port to PSX had the inventory right. Do not assume you must make a boring clunky inventory screen to support consoles. You're better than that. I hope.


    Equipment appearance: Again, the game revolves around acquisition of loot. Why in the world would you regress so badly from the original two games? Surely you felt you could improve some aspects of the older games and branch out from them and put your stamp on the game, but why did you choose to neglect one of the main pillars of the game?


    Neither the graphics nor the story are good enough (nor could they be) to alleviate the problems with the base gameplay. I'm sorry guys, you've put a lot of hard work in to this product but you had to know these aspects were not worthy of release. I hope you can show this post (and those like it) to whomever is responsible for forcing this release out the door. I was really hoping this year would be DS3, TL2, and D3, and I'm a little sad to see one of the games fall a little short.






    I couldnt have said it better. You know I just picked up this little $15 game off of steam called Dungeons and Dragons Daggerfall, and while it isn't the classic RPG style that I prefer like you would see in the first 2 DS games, it suer is alot more enjoyable and less frustrating than DS3.

  8. I think you just need to get out of the lame tree city then it picks up a lot.

    I don't remember what chapter that is, I quit after finishing the desert area, there was no story in that game, no purpose to move forward, nothing. I didn't feel like I was doing something important. at least Diablo had great interface and co-op, DS had nothing other than small groups of enemies scattered around big empty areas


    Yes as much as I hate to admit it, DS 2 did have its fair share of BS to it. While I still found it enjoyable, some of the quests were confusing, and the save game feature blew goat ass. I still think it was a great game, just not as good as the first. And true DS multiplay was less than impressive when you compared it to the DS 2 game which allowed for coop. Thats where I was hoping that DS3 would take the good elements of both improve upon them.

  9. Post info here regarding how well Dungeon Siege 3 is selling.


    It's in 2nd place on Steam.


    3rd place(digital) and 16th retail on Amazon.com for the PC.


    20th place for the 360 on Amazon.com.


    18th for the PS3 on Amazon.com, as well.


    It's among the best sellers on Gamestop's home page.


    Not surprising considering how long its been since the last game. Preordering gives such missleading info, they seell the **** outta the game before it comes out, that way when it does come out, no matter how bad it is, they made a butt load of money so it was a great game right? Sorry they might have sold alot of copies but that does not make it anything less than a Gauntlet clone under a different name.

  10. Yeah, I liked DS3 better when it was called Gauntlet. Seriously DS3 is nothing more than an arcade version of the original game, and there is so little of the first two in this one that it has nothing to do with the DS universe other than the name. I find this shocking especially since obsidian put out Never Winter Nights 2, and a few other killer titles so I can't help but be dissappointed. Thank God Blizzard is doing Diablo as I am sure it will up to its name.

  11. Sorry if I seem rude, but my goal is not to speak ill of the company, just to defend a series I always liked, and I hope someone agrees with me. And sorry for bad english at times in my text as well.


    Obsidian, in trying to make a game more extensive to also include players from the consoles in Dungeon Siege series, made ​​a poor game and (worst) damaged PC gamers, launching the worst version of the game to this plataform. It is a great lack of respect with the fans of the series, mainly 'cause the game was born on the PC, and the entire base of fans of the series are on the PC, and it should be the main platform of the game.


    It can be seen easily that all the simplifications that have occurred in the game are given by the fact that they decided to launch the game on the consoles - probably in an attempt to make more money.

    There are games that are simply not possible to do on consoles. Strategy games for example, do not work well. RPG games like Dungeon Siege, where you have to control a certain amount of units, each with their inventory, items, settings, magic, etc, either. But why? Because consoles has no keyboard or mouse...


    So what Obsidian decided to do? It's simple, we will reshape the game! Let's remove the possibility to form and control teams (the biggest crime) - and bye to the mule too - let's change the way the character and camera are controlled, we decrease the amount and complexity of the loot in the game, we completely remove the possibility of making a new character, even the name cannot be changed, let's do characters who have little variety of skills, in fact, we reformulate the whole scheme of skills to the powers become less complex to organize in the joysticks of the consoles, we will make it extremely linear and we still will do a history full of uninteresting characters. Blood and mana potions? Forget, too many buttons... You also dont evolve your habilities as you use wome weapon or magic (another big crime)...


    Soundtrack? Where is the exciting theme song that plays at the beginning of Dungeon Siege 1 and 2? The game has no exciting song. Graphics? They are beautiful, but the scenarios are a bit generic...


    So they basically changed all the series had, and made a completely different game, but they put the title Dungeon Siege 3, although the game is more closer to the game Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light that some game of the Dungeon Siege series. Except that Lara Croft is a great game and Dungeon Siege 3 is not. In fact, it seems that tried to do a Lara Croft more focused on RPG but in the end did not work.


    So they made the game focused in the public of the consoles, with their limitations of controls, and then when the game was being converted to PC they made ​​another mess. Rather than adapt the controls and facilitate the movement of the character, not ... movement was very bad. How could complicate something as simple as walking and control the camera in a hack-and-slash RPG? We have to rotate the camera all the time, moving the character with the mouse is bad and with the directional (WASD) is just terrible. And yet, instead of just having to click in a item on the ground for the character to go and pick it up, no, we have to walk to the item and press a button on the keyboard to get him to take the item, something extremely uncomfortable.


    Dungeon Siege 3 is a total disappointment. I leave here my dissatisfaction with what the company did with the series. I hoped that Dungeon Siege 3 was a good competitor for Diablo 3, but it have no chance, unfortunately. You changed the game soo much that it cannot be called of Dungeon Siege. Please, if you will do another sequel, go back to the style of previous games - or give it back to Gas Powered Games. It can have innovation, but can not be a different game. And focus on the PC, 'cause this game should never have left for the consoles as the main plataform.


    in short: You simply removed much of the game that formed his identity, just removed - without justification for PC gamers - , and changed the format of the fighting and added bad controls.


    oh yeah, and where the game could be saved, which is the co-op multiplayer, get disappointed again because the characters are just temporary for that match.


    Amen brother! Unfortunately I posted a thread very similar to this and apparently most of the foks here like the water down lame ass chocolate covered crap that is dungeon siege 3.

  12. doesnt that give me the right to complain?

    no, it really doesn't.


    besides, there's a lot of similarities, other than not having a huge party following me and a different combat system, it feels very much like DS. which is everything I could have hoped for. so, you don't like to press buttons to play your characters, that's ok, you made your point. now what?


    Well yeah, here in the good old USA it does give me the right to complain. In fact according to the US constitution I have freedom of speech wether I buy the item in question or not. As far asa the similarities go????? Ummmm......ok, well its similar in the fact that it is an action rpg, and that it has similar settings that you would find in any rpg but nothing distinctive to the original Dungeon Siege gameplay, so I dont know what you are seeing, but IMO it is not Dungeon Siege.

  13. While I am not related to an Obsidian developer I feel it is my duty as a member of this forum offer some form of apologies that the game did not meet up to your expectations of what the title would imply. Sadly, much like what was implied with the Fallout 3 image, there has to be some form of evolution (Or devolution, as some may argue) in the game title especially if it fell onto "hard times" and wasn't renewed. Call it a sacrifice games make in order to fit in the gaming world we know today; or something Obsidian as a whole wanted to do so that you could have four incredibly unique characters instead of four Barbie/Ken Dolls that you could prissy up and specialize how you wish.


    Thank you for understanding me, and in fact making my point. I agree that as time goes on and sequels and re-makes get made that there is a natural evolution that occurs, and should occur to keep up with new technology and breath new life into old ideas or games. Now if DS3 had come out and had maybe the core system at the heart of the game and then they had just built upon what was already there like they did with DS2 then I would be all for it. DS3 didnt even have a point and click option, let alone anything that came out of the original games. These are things that shouldnt be sacrificed.

  14. My point is I dont see how they can call it Dungeon Siege when it is nothing like the originals.

    is it written somewhere (some sequel making code of honor or something) that sequels have to be exact copies but with different content? just chill.


    a lot more people didn't like the first DS, than did. so it's a welcome change. you've been heard, great, still doesn't mean your opinion is the only right one, why enforce it here?


    I'm not talking exact copies here, I am talking about some resemblence of the former games, and other than it being an isometric action rpg it is nothing like the first two at all. And why are you telling me to chill? I mean I did pay $50 for this game and I am not happy with what I paid for, doesnt that give me the right to complain? Last time I checked it did, and thats all this is, me expressing my dissappointment in the game like anyone else here would do if it were one of your favorite. I'm not enforcing anything.

  15. I'm a PC gamer only. Dungeon Siege 3 is great by my estimation. Dungeon Siege 1 and 2 were terribly dumbed down in my opinion.



    I disagree, the first two were brilliant in my opinion and by DS standards this games falls way short. That being said, I dont think its a bad game, in fact it is fun and enjoyable. My point is I dont see how they can call it Dungeon Siege when it is nothing like the originals. That makes it hard for me to really get into it and enjoy it. In light of that I guess I will be relying on Diablo 3 and Torchlight 2 when they come out.

  16. Ye, this is game definately isn't Dungeon Siege, it's Dungeon Siege 3.


    Yeah they called it Dungeon Siege 3, but it does no honor to the Dungeon Siege games, and certainly does not follow the same system that was setup in the first two. Since none of that was in there it is not Dungeon Siege game. Like FarCry2 had nothing to do with the original FarCry but they insisted in calling it FarCry2 anyway. Anyway, clearly a ****ty console port to PC, PC users screwed again!

  17. It may have the name Dungeon Siege in the title, but that does not make it a Dungeon Siege game. I can't believe you put out this **** and try to pass it off as a Dungeon Siege game. There is nothing in this game that is specific to Dungeon Siege. Sure it has all the elements that EVERY other action RPG has like looting, the third person isometric view, etc... But that does not make the game. Dungeon Siege did things that no other action RPG did. The levelling system for one was completely original, what ever you used (i.e. melee, combat magic, nature magic, ranged) was what you levelled up in. There was no earning points and putting them where ever you wanted, it was a simple, effective RPG levelling system that made sense and worked very well! You could also have pack animals, DS2 even added pets that could fight by your side, and also added special abilities that allowed for a devistating attack every now and again. I understand that it has been a few years since the last DS game, but to take everything out of the game that made it Dungeon Siege is going to far. Chris Taylor should be ashamed of himself for allowing this to happen, and obsidian should get sued for destroying a good franchize! I hate this game, it sucks, and I want my money back!

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