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About LogickBomb

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  1. well I'm not going to be like "well I can do blank blank and blank" because honestly what I can do doesn't really matter. but I can tell you it'll be damn hard to pull off, and there are better ways to go about it. I'd prefer to see the ability to work on your gear without needing to go anywhere, via a skill and a kit or something similar.
  2. Under no circumstances should any of the old npcs be in the new one IMO. It should be a unique story in a unique place, with unique people.
  3. YOU'RE INSANE! nirvana holds nothing to morrisey? how many millions of copies has morrisey sold worldwide? I'll bet nirvana has more, with less albums.
  4. I thought the purpose of the sith blades is that they are cheap and made of mass produced parts, and they couldn't be upgraded because the "Ceremonial" purpose was instructing the pupils in how to build a lightsaber. At least that's how I took it. Besides that, they sold for a bunch.
  5. There's a big difference between swapping out an existing weapon with pre-existing variables attatched, and creating a new weapon every time you feel like turning off a blade. A switch weapon button would be considerably easier, because you already have the weapon. It's in your inventory, it's got the variables already attatched to it. To make a light saber dual bladed and make it so you could turn off 1 blade, either they'd need to have a hidden weapon attatched to your pc and swap between the 2 (and that could get REALLY buggy, like if you have more than 1 2 bladed lightsaber, and you turn them both to 1 handed, the variables would stack up quickly and lag your machine in the way described below, plus the act of making the weapon visible and the old weapon invisible, not to mention glitches that would happen if there was too much in your inventory. Would you lose the lightsaber? If you've got too many processes going on at once would you get a clone in your inventory? can you drop it or equip it, or is it just there taking up space? this list could continue. ) or you would create the new weapon every time you "turn off the one side" and just have to carry the variables over to the new weapon every time, but that as well is open to glitching, on a slightly lower scale, and especially during combat the act of applying the variable to the pc, then creating the weapon, then applying the variable back to the weapon, would create a hell of a slowdown. Either way from a programming standpoint it would be hard. I'm sure they could figure out a way to do it, but it's going to be really complex for a small feature not a lot of people would use. after all, they give out lightsabers like candy in KOTOR 1. Why not just make it so you can swap out gems on the fly, using a repair skill? It would be easier to program and accomplish the same effect.
  6. that many cutscenes would drive me nuts.
  7. think in terms of coding, that would be hard to impliment. it's not just "turn one side offf" it would involve variables being attatched to the player saying which mode he's using, mixed with variables being attatched saying what kind of crystals (and now the other modification options) the saber is carrying, and that's far too much that could glitch IMO. I think it's a cool idea but it's a playtesting and design nightmare.
  8. I like taking all of the dual wielding feats, then duelling, and using 2 normally, 1 for really hard fights. the extra ac boost you get from duelling is nice, as is the bonus to attack, when you're fighting someone who would normally beat you to death.
  9. DELETED!!!! [/strongbad]
  10. I'd think the emitter would control the blade length, or the lens. it makes sense honestly, being able to turn one of your (favorite for whatever reasons) short lightsabers into a longer one, or even having a lightsaber style greatsword? I know it exists in PNP, but I'm not sure how irritating such a thing would be to pull off in a video game.
  11. versatility. I'm all about character design, that's what I fill 3/4ths of my time with neverwinter nights with anymore. KOTOR sucked because as far as I could tell there were 4 different characters. the light, force power using good guy. the heavily armed and armored lightsaber beast good guy. the light, force power using bad guy, and the heavily armored lightsaber beast bad guy. how about some more feats, and maybe the choice as to when and how you multiclass?
  12. No matter where you post it dark, the result will be the same. morrisey = suxxorz.
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