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About reclinemusic

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    (1) Prestidigitator
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  1. I enchanted it with Accuracy 1 and it overwrote the terrible attribute with a +4 accuracy attribute. The enchant requires things that you can get very early in the game.
  2. I'm going to be starting a 2nd playthrough of the game (probably on normal) and was wanting to make a Cipher as the main character. I'm looking for recommendations on race, attributes, spells, talents, etc. I'm looking at using a gun eventually. What are the must have spells for cipher? First time through I noticed a lot of dialogue options that I couldn't access due to intelligence, perception, and other stats that I ignored due to building my character for damage and survivability. Now I'm wondering if I should leave the heavy fighting to my companions and focus on conversational stats this time. But I also don't want to gimp my character. A recommendation on values for well rounded attributes is welcome. Thanks!
  3. I feel like I keep running into the same issues with NPCs in this game going hostile with no warning. Sometimes it seems to occur when I'm sneaking around in areas stealing. I successfully steal without being noticed (i.e. the NPCs still have green circles around them), quicksave, and if I get to a point where I need to quickload the NPCs are now hostile, even though they were not hostile when I quicksaved. This has happened in Noonfrost and one other area I can't think of at the moment. Then there was the issue with Azo that other topics have covered where you go upstairs and all the NPCs want to kill you. Is there something I'm missing or is this a bug?
  4. Just wanted to say thanks for the info and letting me complete the quest
  5. Ok, that seems to be the explanation: with a custom formation, selecting 2 or more characters and positioning them moves them to a location relative to the green icon in the middle of the top row of the custom formation editor. It just feels really awkward. I want to use my custom formation, but now I probably won't because there are many instances where I'm selecting 2 or more characters to micro-manange their positions but trying to move them is very frustrating.
  6. With a custom formation active, when I select more than 1 but less than my full party, the location I click on the map is not where they end up moving. I put a simple short video on youtube, below: https://youtu.be/Dc6HidFeRDE This bug is cropping up with Custom Formations active. When I switch back to a default formation, the problem goes away. Thanks
  7. Well hopefully the franchise is in the right hands with SE... I'd hate to see it die
  8. Whoa... missed the announcement of "last DLC"... what happened? Less than desirable sales? EDIT: woops, you're assuming this was the last DLC, sorry...
  9. Probably been said, but DS4 needs to go back to being a dungeon siege game... you know... the games that started the series. Dungeon Siege is defined as a party-based action RPG. Replay the games 1 and 2. Those are the games that define dungeon siege. I'm not against the style of game that dungeon siege 3 is. In fact I love them. But dungeon siege is so much more. Its awesome to have 5 or 6 party members, all of different archetypes mowing their way through hordes of enemies. Archers and mages attacking/casting from a distance, sword and boarders tanking up close, melee DDs slashing away, healers buffing and healing comrades... c'mon, it's just epic. And you're in control of it all. It's like an MMO with you in control. I think DS3 was simplified for consoles, but I would like to think there's enough ingenuity and creativity at obsidian that they could bring the full party back to DS4. And if that's just not possible to do on consoles, I hate to say it, but make it for PC only and do a different hack n slash game for consoles. We can't lose games like DS1 and 2, they're too important for the human race. Don't focus so much on dialogue and quest text, just some simple exchange of words and onto more killing.
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