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Everything posted by topeira
When you are in game, go to MENU and choose HELP TOPICS. They're all explained there (not all the details but at least what they do).At least on PC you need to load game first, the Help Topics -button does not appear on the main menu if you haven't started a game first. now that's a helpful tip thanks, mate.
Best ARPG gameplay ever?
topeira replied to metamag's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
the way i see it the combat in DS3 is way better than any torchlight\diablo game. the combat system is many times deeper , more involving and more fun. it's not DMC but it's much better. the loot and skill system is more shallow than diablo. yeah. so in fact DS3 is a medium between these games - combat is better and deeper but not THAT much better than diablo type games. loot and skill is shallower but not THAT shallow compared to diablo type games. that's what OB were aiming for and that's what they got. ppl here are disappointed that this game is not like DS3 and they have the right to feel like this since this game bares the DS name. but i HATED DS and diablo type games. to me this is definitly a much better and more fun game than if it was a Diablo 3 clone. -
following this thread i just called my retail store and they said they have the game for PC already. on one hand im mad that they didnt call me to tell me they have it since i have told them to do so (and usually they follow these kinda stuff) but more than that im just happy i can hop over there and get it so thanks for giving the heads up i hope i will play it today or tomorrow. this is a good surprise. a lot earlier than i had expected to see it on shelves.
i agree totally on everything (besides no.3. seems redundant).
actually it does. the control scheme is kinda like old school diablo games if u move and attack with the mouse, BUT the game itself requires more than these type of control scheme. the fact paced action in the game kinda implies we should be using a WASD for moving, mouse for camera kinda control scheme. it's like Obsidian was trying to make the game feel more like a DS game with the kb\m controls while the game itself is NOT like DS game in terms of action and pace. that's what i feel. if the A and D keys were to move the character and NOT the camera (and if i could rebind my keys) than i would have had a lot less to complain about, if anything at all.
KB\mouse + controller in coop?!
topeira replied to topeira's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
bumping this baby in case anyone managed to play co-op in the demo with one controller and one kb\m. -
Feedback from other forums
topeira replied to Matt-C's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
i havent played DS1 and DS2 so u can take my input with a huge chuck of salt but i remember from the 1 hour gameplay segment with reinhart that the maps CAN be more like a maze with different paths to take. the demo is linear, yes, but i can see how potentially the later maps WILL be slightly more open. -
KB\mouse + controller in coop?!
topeira replied to topeira's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
as i have said - in the steam window in the client in the same window where it allows you to DL the demo it says local coop requires two controllers. i kinda assume it means that the full game wont allow local co-op with kb\m+controller. as stupid as this may sound i HAVE seen such a ridiculous oversight in the game "dungeons and dragons daggerdale". and to me, looking how half arsed the control scheme for kb\m IS to begin with i just suspect that i should expect as little as possible from this game that even the simplest most obvious things shouldnt be taken for granted here. -
KB\mouse + controller in coop?!
topeira replied to topeira's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
i have on controller. the 360 conteroller. i have no issues with it in any game. flawless. but i only have one. i would like to play offline co-op with a friend (room mate) and dont think it's even possible, unless someone can prove me otherwise. -
i found that there are two horrible things about the controls, in my opinion: 1) the fact that W and S are for moving forward and backward but A and D are not right and left. they rotate the camera. isn't that completely stupid? shouldnt the mouse move the camera on the screen edge yet the A and D move the character left and right like in any other action game? why would i need two different schemes doing the same thing? 2 ways to rotate the camera is not needed in this game where most of the time the high angle camera shows enough. if this game had A and D as moving left and right instead of rotating the camera i wouldnt be posting here since the next point would be moot. 2) the fact that outside of combat i can left click on different sides of my character and have it attack in different directons quickly yet during combat if there is an enemy behind me , clicking on him won't make my character turn to attack the enemy im pointing my cursor on but attack the enemy in front of me. to change enemies i need to right click in the direction i want to face and then attack. there is no way to quickly change targets. if i could use A and D to change my facing this wouldnt be an issue but using the AWSD for moving around is horrible and might as well use the right click for that since WASD provide no good movements solution. i really prey to the gods of common sense to give players an option in the menu to either use A and D to rotate or to move the camera as two different options. i think most players wouldnt notice the hindering of the controls if this was the case to begin with.
KB\mouse + controller in coop?!
topeira replied to topeira's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
i tried everything and couldnt get co-op to work. i am afraid sannom was wrong and you need two controllers (the ones with thumb sticks) to play co-op, which accompanying with the crappy control scheme for mouse\kb is another bad overlook. -
KB\mouse + controller in coop?!
topeira replied to topeira's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
K&M are controllers too. You control things with it. Hence the name. was it that hard to answer the question? how is it possible to play off line coop in the demo? can i do it right form the beginning or should i advance to get to when i release anjali? -
KB\mouse + controller in coop?!
topeira replied to topeira's topic in Dungeon Siege III: General Discussion
Yes, you can. is it possible in the demo? than by all means, tell me how. in the steam window it was noted i need 2 controllers. -
for the love of god please dont tell me that in order to play offline co-op i need two controllers. anyone knows if i can play offline co-op on my PC with one player on the keyboard and another on the controller? the idea of a PC gamer needing 2 controllers to play co-op offline is one of the laziest i've heard of. i dont know if this is the case but i smell laziness....
i understand what he's saying - that there is a rather large difference between DS1\2 and DS3. he went too far with the comparison but i see his point. same goes with The witcher 1 and the witcher 2. they have a lot of similarities yet TW2 has such a vastly different combat system that it must have a lot of control scheme changes. it's no longer a point and click affair when it comes to combat and now its combat is a lot like Fable arcania and even AC or batman:AA. and frankly the combat in DS3 feel more like Fable to me than DS1 on consoles as well. not on the PC though - the "attack is directional and not on specific enemy" and "block makes u stand in place but if u move than u roll" and "attack multiple enemies around u while moving from one to another". these conventions are a lot more "fable" and less DS. for me the change of pace with DS3 is good since i hate P&C games, as it was well clear form this thread but i think obsidian is trying to keep things from the old school DS games. trying hard enough to make ME less interested and should make lord elvewyn more interested.
the game was built with a controller in mind so the gameplay fits fast reactions from the player. P&C is NOT for fast reactions. i think it was shoehorned into DS3 PC to allow a m\kb. i hope im wrong and i hope there will be enough constumizability to the keyboard. as i gave an example - spiral knights is a game that does this PERFECTLY - allowing both P&C and WASD movement. doesnt take a genius to do this. only will and the understanding that it's needed. @C2B, i dont hate ppl comparing things that shouldnt be compared. i hate IT when ppl compare. i hate the comparison. i dont hate ppl in general. ppl are nice most of the time there are a lot of common things in DS2 and DS3 but the way combat looks is not one of them. combat is fast and movement based in DS3 while it ISNT like that in P&C diablo style games where is "walk. stop. attack attack attack attack. drink potion. attack attack attack. potion. attack. win". in DS3 there seems to be a big emphasys on how fast u react to enemies attack which is more like "move. attack. attack. enemy swings your way so u dodge. attack. dodge again. attack. disingage close enemies and move to other enemies. attack. block. attack. etc". this type of combat is very action oriented. cant see how dodging quickly and keeping aim at enemies will work in a P&C method. if movement was WASD than u can keep the aim at enemies while u dodge and move with the keys. no problem here. the advantage of m\kb can be to its fullest with WASD+mouse to aim. this way u can aim and move seperately and aiming can be really accurate with long range attacks. the player loses nearly nothing over the controller scheme (he will be limited to 8 movement directions but that's never a real problem in action games) and gains extra accuracy with projectiles and efficiency with multi tasking.
first of all i hate it when ppl compare DS3 to DS1 and DS2. these games are so vastly different that there is very very little reasons to compare them. DS1 and DS2 are irrelevant. i think that i can "work" with a P&C control scheme if moving and attacking is separate. i dont want the need to either press 2 keys to unleash and attack or point exactly at an enemy when all i want is for my character to attack UP or LEFT. if it was "left click to walk in the direction of the mouse" and "right click to attack in the direction of the mouse" than maybe it was possible to quickly joggle attacks and movement, which is the biggest issue with P&C schemes. while block (and hold block and move to roll) can be another key. maybe the spacebar. also im not sure if there are 3 abilities or 2. having them bind to keys is also an option. personally i have a mouse with 4 buttons on it so everything that is related to attacking will be binded to that, but i am just worried that movement and attack will be both left mouse button. movement and attacking should be seperate in games and this is how it works best. P&C is nice when u gave a game that doesnt require a lot of fast movement to avoid damage or defensive skills and timing.
the point is that P&C is not great in games where u need to always move and attack. the amount of control u need in diablo styled games is significantly less demanding since moving is not that important. especially with melee characters. u just stand there and click on enemies as they hit you. in diablo styled games they is barely any defensive strategy but take hits and chug potions. in action games there is a huge emphasis to constantly move and avoid damage and block. P&C is great if u needed to chose from a large array of abilities. i agree. however we already know that there are about 2 abilities for every stance. i figure u'd need 3 keys for 3 stances, 2 keys for each ability, a block\roll button and an attack button. that's mainly it. it all fits into the controller so if it fits into a controller than it would easy fit a WASD scheme. i assumed it'll be - WASD for movement. Left click - ability one Right click - ability two Space - block\roll 1, 2, 3 - switch stances that'd make the most sense. with a P&C i assume that rolling will be done by holding BLOCK and clickig the ground somewhere. thinking about needing to use the mouse to aim my dodges (that should be really quick to avoid being hit if an enemy already started hit attacking animation) or pressing TWO buttons to attack (shift+l.click) or trying to find my cursor in order to move amidst the tons of particle effects and chaos this game has, it all makes me really pessimistic about how the game is played and how fun it'll be for me.
C&C is a strategy game. not an action game. there is no sense of direct control over any specific character on the battlefield. in games like this there needs to be a way to command a unit and let it do it's thing without player control. action games are trying to give the player as much control over his character and actually force him to be precise and good at controlling his character. even though it's supposed to be a RPG, DS3 looks to require the player to have good control over his character therefore should provide responsive and accurate way of controlling the character. not only that i find P&C anywhere nearly as accurate and responsive as the control scheme i assumed it will require but the fact that u CAN play the game with a P&C control scheme makes me believe that , indeed, the requirements from the player are pretty low. in other words - a game that lets me beat it with only a mouse is not a game i think i want to play. :\ here's hoping for a demo that will let me test it for myself.
i wouldnt, seeing as MAGICKA doesnt have such an option.... but magicka benefits quit a lot from it's current control scheme. developers that omit important content on multi-platform games no longer suprise me. seeing how CRYSIS 2 doesnt have graphical settings was pretty impressive and if THAT happened than no WASD keys is not far fetched at all.
of course im aware that nothings is certain but since when asked, the devs replied with "its a point and click" and not "we have both". P&C has advantages over WASD keys of course, but it kinda depends on the type of game, the AI and what the player needs to do in order to enjoy the challenge. i have pretty little hopes for an implementation of both mechanics (WASD and P&C) since i dont think obsidian thinks ppl want both options. nothing to be done, than, but wait and see when the game is released in 2 months time. and i wont buy another controller i just spent 750$ on a 42 inch TV to go next to my bed kinda ran out of luxury money here plus, the control scheme i was expecting had advantages over a controller so even a controller won't make me feel like i got what i was hoping for. perhaps im spoiled by how well small indie companies do things with such grace and care compared to full fledged AA titles. i'll accept such an accusation.
yeah. i know. i dont want to knock it till i try it but im not going to pay 50$ to find out something that looks obvious from the video. i have pretty little faith in obsedian to include a WASD control over character's movement but actually, that's almost all that's needed. it's pretty simple. WASD for movement while the cursor aims projectiles and melee. it's been done before. i dont find it too much to ask. but i think obsidian will not go the extra length to implement that. most developers feel like what they created is best and players shouldnt get options since gamers dont know how to decide. like we are all so casual we cant fiddle with anything. it's not like adding the control scheme coast balacing time. and i mod my games if i want\can. i'd mod this game if it will allow this kind of control scheme but i wont purchase a game based on a guess that a mod will exist. kinda shame, really. i WAS looking forward to DS3. now i will wait to hear ppl's opinion on the PC version to see how it's played. if there's a demo than there is still hope.
that's a detailed response mate. appreciated the control scheme in "spiral knights" is such that when u attack u do not attack in the direction u are walking but in the direction u are aiming the mouse at. as i stated in the first post - "attack in the direction of the mouse". meaning that if there is an enemy on the right than i can walk south (pressing S) and aim the mouse and incoming enemies. once one is close than i click the mouse and attack him. i can aim my attack before i execute it and i dont need to stop walking in order to aim my melee\magic\projectile. i just aim as i walk or roll. once i want to attack i press the attack button. if the character needs to stop in order to fire (as it seems to be the case with DS3) than it will stop, but the aiming process was done while i was rolling and evading. THIS is the huge advantage of the WASD+mouse aiming that the PC should be getting and instead of letting us PC gamers enjoying that we are restricted. the thing is - the game looks and feels like an action game on the consoles and it was mainly build for the consoles. it was designed with that control scheme in mind. i am really really afraid that the mouse-to-move control scheme will be disadvantageous compared to the controller and will not be comfortable and reactive enough for the gameplay. RPGs like diablo or DS1\DS2 had a gameplay that was slow and deliberate to fit the P&C scheme. u didnt need to move or play defensively. u just midlessly clicked on enemies as if they were interface buttons and occasionally drank a potion. no dexterity needed. DS3 looks like it will require the player to dodge and block and fast aim, like an action game, therefor it requires an action oriented control scheme, otherwise the gamer is handicapped. looking at the Pc footage makes me thing that indeed the player is greatly handicapped with a control scheme that fits OTHER games. the console footage shows a very fluid game of moving, rolling, casting and attacking. look at the PC footage - it's not like that. it's all - walk. stop. cast. walk. stop. cast. it's rigid. it's slow. it's diablo. it's doesnt resemble the consoles version. it's like the game was aimed at console version and looks great when played onthe consoles yet it feels lacking on the PC. also the idea of pointing on an enemy to attack him and if u miss him than u walk is also another control choice that is uncomfortable if the enemies move fast. the consoles players can tap X to attack in the desired direction and they will NEVER accidentally move when they want to attack. yet PC gamers might need to aim exactly at an enemy in order to release a magic\slash. i know there is a "attack in place" button but now things just get over complicated while the consoles are having it easy. it's mostly speculations backed up by common sense and footage. all P&C games are slow and rigid and it's fine if the AI and gameplay caters for that kinda game, but DS3 looks different. it looks like it needs a control scheme the mouse\keyboard wont supply. im tired tired tired of my games not getting the features the consoles do. HUNTED: Demon's forge PC doesnt get split screen while consoles do. Portal 2 is the same case (a hack allows split screen but the game doesnt support this). Fable 3 won't have local co-op and DS3 won't have a control scheme that fits it pace. my only solace in my PC gaming hobby is that Skyrim will have mod support and the existence of The witcher 2. i HAVE a controller but this is a game i wanted to play with my G\F and SHE would get the controller.