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Everything posted by UKNightWatch

  1. Helms! Not a bad idea as such. But for the love of all that is good - no capes.
  2. Though the soundtrack is available via youtube and other online services it would have been nice for players that bought premium to have gotten those files in a download as part of paying ... premium. I do not know if the powers that be want to make money by selling the soundtrack as a whole or individual tracks but I do suspect that people will find ways to freely download said tracks anyway. I'm just happy with the version [artbook] I got - so far.
  3. There is an emporium, I think in Dawnshore - Paradis City - High Market, you could try there. I think that the emporium is where all cartographer quest after the initial one are, maybe, centred. Sanza, for me, was originally at Magrans Assay in Dawnshore [if memory serves] - maybe try there! Good luck.
  4. I had a different bounty wher this seemed to happen! I killed all teh required enemies then went to pick up all the required items. The bounty still told me I needed to find / collect items after I had been to all the 'bodies' and collected al the items available. I thought a restart of the game could help - it did not at first. So I gave up playing and came back an hour or so later. On 'continue' I ressumed the searh and found one item with no body that previously had not shown up! The bounty updated to completed and I moved on not knowing why the item had suddenly appeared. There are a couple other little bugs I have encountered in game and found frustrating or annoying but have fixed themselves on restarting the game - not saying the same could happen in your case. I can deal with the little bugs but the ones that block progression are really in need of attention from the developer. Good luck - I hope you find a solution.
  5. I have been in the second map area and have a journal entry for the totem of defiance that tells me I should look for clues. I have looked this up online as I'm at a loss as to how to get the clues. It seems that I should have bought the clues item from the Farmers Market merchant before carrying on with main quest. As that merchant is no longer available to me I followed online advice to get the clues item from the Costal Farms merchant. It would seem I am now stuck unable to purchase that clues item - no spoilers as such but the original merchant is gone and the alternate merchant has not got the clues item for sale. Online sources suggest that the totem pieces can be found without the clues but I thought it best to purchase clues as I did for first area totem [was still difficult to track pieces - but all part of the fun] - I would rather follow the clues in game than use an online walk through. If any one knows another way to get the clues such information could be useful to me and others in the same situation - no clues means randomly looking for something without really knowing what to look for. I do not know if this has been overlooked by the developer and is an accidental issue or if there is a bug preventing purchase of the clues item.
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