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About Assassin47

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Wow , stealth nubes need to edit the files to get stealth achievements seriously? WTF
  2. As a fan of stealth I had absolutely no issues using stealth the entire game whenever possible. I don't quite get the complaints about it.
  3. agreed best game that most people never played
  4. GOTY for me personally , **** all the haters . I just got done arguing with a guy on use-net and after all that was said and done I can tell he's never played the game. What a joke this current gen of gaming criticism , if a game with a gun doesn't instantly register a hit like aim-bot black ops it's considered a broken game. I mean are they losing touch with what defines an "actual RPG" meaning you need to spend points in that skill tree , not simply aim. Fricken pisses me off , this game has a fantastic foundation and we're likely never to see a sequel. AP goes right up there on the list of most under appreciated games of all time.
  5. I'm right there with you I'm 41 yrs old and a die-hard gamer since 1974 and AP is one of my favorite RPGs of all time.
  6. I don't know what the reviewers were smoking , but AP is way better than they led us all to believe. I'd relish a sequel and would buy it day one. Look at how buggy ME1 was and it got rave reviews , yet it had some horrible mechanics. I think soon as a reviewer loads up AP and aims their gun thinking "why can't I hit where I'm aiming" needs to be shot , because your skill is way to damn low in the skill tree. But even at the start of the game you could just wait for the critical then fire . I hate reviewers these days if it doesn't instantly play like COD with aim-bot turned on they think the game is broken.
  7. I registered just to tell the developers of Alpha Protocol what a fantastic game it was. After some of the negative press I hesitated to get the game and to my delight and surprise the game is actually quite good and if not better than other games in the genre , such as ME2, in some regards. While ME2 was awesome , I still felt disjointed from the conversations , even with my import save I still felt like the conversations and consequences of my choices didn't carry over in big epic ways like I felt they should. But enough about that game, I feel even with the flaws in AP it's still a fantastic RPG and had me interested in every single minute throughout the entire game. I love stealth gaming and managed to stealth pretty much the entire game , while the mechanics were quite simple it was nice to be able to play the entire game without killing so much as one person ,save a boss or two . I hope Obsidian reads these posts as I think AP had way to much undeserved negative press, it's like 1/2 the community reviewing it do not realize what a true RPG is. I really think this game could become a cult hit where the true RPG players like me ( 41 yrs old) can appreciate the quality aspects of AP. Stealth is a massively underrepresented genre these days and new titles are few and far between. I just wanted to register and tell you guys you made a fantastic game and this is coming from a longtime gamer like me.
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