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Everything posted by brokensave

  1. Thank you. Sadly, didn't work. Just hangs on the extractor again and didn't bypass it. Dang haha, I really want to get this working but seems theres something off on my end, no clue what. Oh well.. ...maybe I can try something with a virtual machine or something.
  2. Would it possible to bypass this by using someone elses folder with the extracted content already there? If so...could anyone upload the right folder
  3. Is there anyway to edit his base stats? I tried editing his gamedata in the overide but it didn't work, unless I messed up somewhere
  4. Ah okay, I've done that and was able to re-direct it to a fresh install and checked the files integrity, all good. But the mod still gets stuck on the extracting phase for some reason.
  5. Thanks, I have them both already and love them, thats why I'm looking to see if I can make more of them.
  6. The thing is that I'm completly unable to direct it to a new install, or anywhere. The first time I opened I had the option to direct it to poe folder, everytime after it skips that part and goes right into the extracting thing. I tried remove it from pc and start over but it didn't work. I do not think my files are corrupted either, but I'd gladly check with another copy if it would let me.
  7. Here's Zahua's Voice for anyone that wants it. https://www.mediafire.com/file/iwvcvb357esxbbv/Zahua+POE+Voice.rar/file
  8. Is there any info/guide etc on how to go about doing this? I'd love to bring over my favourite weapons from POE and I assume they are all their in the game files to bring over.... just the main question is, how difficult is this process? I can handle a bit of modding and don't mind if its alot of work.
  9. I can't get past this stage of setup it just hangs there indefintly and becomes unresponsive too so I can't cancel it after clicking ok. Any ideas on why this is happening or how to fix?
  10. For whatever reason, I couldn't get apotheosis to finish set up. It just hangs forever after it says its going to store files or something. And yeah Zahua is the best, such a great character, thats why I'm going through all this effort. Well, thanks for all your help. If I can get apotheosis going I'll see what can be done and how much effort. Possibly fix up the Zahua thing and turn into a mod if feasible, if not I'll just upload the files here soon.
  11. I tried to finish it up but I completely gave up after trying forever to just make the name Zahua instead of test in game.....that part broke me. I'm kind of done after that, hahha. But I'll upload the folder via mediafire at least for others to use, if anyone wants to fix it up past that and turn it into a mod to use on nexus or something... they are more than welcome. It's not absolutely perfect, as some voice options I didn't know what to put in....nothing for "can't do". And I was confused as to whether critial hit or miss where supposed to be offensive or defensive....they have sounds though, just maybe I could have choosen better. It's pretty good overall....just not perfect. Yeah....I'd like to do it, just so he feels a little more part of the party like he did in v1.... More than anything, just the small banter he had with like durance and eder , like " did durance always have bird legs?" paraphrasing..... it's just little things like that I'd love to add. But I think I probably am past my capability point for this sort of thing, hahha. So if it's that hard I guess I'll leave it there.
  12. I managed to finish it, works better than I thought. I don't know how to turn it into a mod but I could share the files? Now that I've done that....is there any way to expand on it? Like, implementing extra voices for him (tonnes left out, no room), conversations etc? Or is that a step too far?
  13. I managed to get it working in game with Zahua's voice for 1 clip, thank you, the guide was great. Now I just got do it for all the files.... hahha
  14. Thank you, that seems quite an effort but you explained it througholy so I think I can attempt it and see how it goes.
  15. Btw, is it hard to implement custom voices? Cause like I said...they are all just there. If I could just add them in manualy and make them show up in chracater creation....that'd be perfect.
  16. Wow, this is even better than I expected. Thank you so much for this, it's awsome. Sad theres not much interest, would love to have some more POE 1 characters brought back like this.
  17. Has anyone done this with their voices? The portraits are easy, and all the voices are right there. I feel there had to have been a lot of people wanting this at some point....but game is older now and not alot of discusion I can find on this. I've found straight swaps for the default voice options in POE1....can implment them super easy (sinister, smooth, stoic) but none for the companions. Does anyone know if anything like this exists? I'd really like to remake Zahua and Durance with their voices.
  18. I bought a program to retieve the files. I was able to retrieve all of them, but none of them work. Is it just that they are too corrupted? https://www.mediafire.com/file/sar3my7ht0gpjhn/1b1bb75d7f38468c9c1dd2912eca5710_34646346_Russetwood.savegame/file
  19. So I got a new hdd and was organizing stuff and accidentaly deleted, and deleted from recylle bin all of my pillars of eternity saves. Fortunatly I was able to use a program to recover them. Problem is, when I put them in the new place the game created for save data.... they don't show up. I know its the right place as the saves I'm making for a test game are all showing up there, but the old ones I recovered just don't show up when put along side them. Any ideas? edit: I'm notcing all the files that are recovered are 4k kb's while the normal files are far less....if that helps?
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