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About SearingWind

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  1. OK, After tweaking the defaultlevelchart.ini to give myself a a ton of points at the start of the game and ran some tests. It seems the game changes the difficulty of the mini-games based on the number of AP acquired, not spent. The amount in the sabotage skill makes no difference except the second level (and presumably the second to last) extend the amount time you get to hack. Not sure if the "free" points given to you for the veteran path count toward this or not, as I had tweaked the defaultlevelchart.ini to give me slightly more AP for my second play through, thus invalidating it as a control. I'm going to start a new game with the default values for defaultlevelchart.ini and go veteran path and see if the mini-games get harder before they did on the recruit path. I'll report here. Edit: Game difficulty has no effect (that I can tell). So at this point it would still be great to know if anyone has figured out if you can tweak the starting point and rate at witch the game increases the mini-game difficulty. I'd love a mod/tweak that makes the mini-games harder at the beginning but never takes it to the retardedly hard level. Thanks, SearingWind
  2. Anyone have any luck finding out how the game determines the mini-game difficulty? I've heard it's tied to total AP you've spent, or how much sabotage you've invested in (which makes no sense). I only ask because the latter seems totally stupid from a game design standpoint (well both do) but that seems how it works. I say this because on my first game (normal) with recruit and only 2 points in sabotage I was able to hack everything until the very last mission. Even then, I was able to get through them after a try or two. Now my second play through (normal again), using the veteran profile, I invested heavily into sabotage (though I did not specialize) and half way through the game I'm getting key panels with 12 jumpers and about an 18 second timer, computer terminals with 2-4 alphanumeric sequences and about a ten second timer, and safes with 6 pins and about a 12 second timer. It would be nice to tone this down through tweaking. Even if you cannot mod it simply, it would be nice to know the exact method the game uses to determine the mini-game difficulty. So I can try to avoid setting myself up with impossible mini-games half way through the game. Thanks in advance for any help!
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