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About Murderous_bread

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  1. im currently 300+ hours in this game, and I LOVE IT. there is just one issue. ash cement. the charcoal takes forever to respawn, so the only other option is duping. im not NG+ yet, so the best option to farm raw science are raids (waft emitter). there are 3 very attractive ´factions´. Black widows (a very low amount of items, are used to summon), ominent (a medium amount of spawn-items) and wolf spider (a pretty high amount of spawn-items). In the end i decided to go for Wolf spiders, since the O.R.C. thingies are annoying to farm and black widows are just way too strong. BUT, for some reason you can only use spider fangs to summon them, while spider venom does´nt work. the super spider venom works for the black widows, so why shouldnt the normal venom work for wolf spiders?
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