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About Gust

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    Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Interests
    Golf, strangling animals and masturbating.
  1. I think the whole problem with "anime" and it's fans is that some of the more annoying types of fanpeople somehow think it's perfectly logical to lump all anime together and view it as a single entity. Guess what? Anime has some good stuff, and a whoooooooole lot of bad stuff. Just like American cartoons. Saying that you like or dislike anime is like saying that you like or dislike movies. Just because you like watching good movies, that doesn't mean you immediately like, say, Gigli. I mean, I just don't see the point of placing Cowboy Bebop and, for example, Sailor Moon in the same category and expect someone who likes one to automatically like the other just because it's from Japan. Except maybe Casshern. I've no idea what's supposed to be going on there, but I feel like I must worship it.
  2. Not suxx0rz. Not suxx0rz by any means. Though I admit his stuff can be a bit of an aquired taste. It's just that I get ever so annoyed at these people heralding him as Christ Jesus returned to earth, and the best thing since bread-slicing cyborgs. (And for the record, there is nothing better than cyborgs.*) Morrissey does have some good stuff, and even if you don't like it, most people will agree that he at least has more talent than most of the stuff the kids listen to today. But anyone who doesn't think Morrissey has his flaws is... well... a little bit too much of a fanperson for my tastes. *Except for cyborg ninjas, of course.
  3. I will never understand why people think that displaying a deep knowledge of gay porn somehow helps their credibility.
  4. Oh, please. Cowboy Bebop? Trigun? ****ing Trigun! Princess Mononoke's pretty cool, too. Mainly because of A****aka's stone arrows decapitating people. I mean, I can get behind the theoretical idea of an arrow being shot with such force that it severs limbs and even heads. But a clean ****ing cut? Man, I can't decide whether that's silly or just awesome. But yeah. Most anime sucks. Due to the "95% of everything is crap"-rule. It's just that while western cartoons and tv-series which suck mostly just do so because they're... well... silly and stupid. Anime often sucks due to being silly and stupid and weird. We may have to write a letter to Japan. Edit: Also, Ashitaka. Heh. Dem word filters can be tricksy.
  5. I listen to Morrissey on occasion. Definately some good stuff, though clearly overrated.
  6. *plays video games pretty much 24/7* *also gets laid on occasion* I... uhh... I fail to see the problem. I mean, I've used video games as a kind of escape from reality at times, sure, but in itself that's not really a bad thing. Sometimes I want to escape reality, and I don't see how video games is sort of worse than any regular old mind-altering substance. Of course, someone addicted to video games to the point that they're actually suffering from it is bad, yeah... but then we really don't need to have a discussion. That'd be like asking if it's unhealthy to be addicted to crack. Of course any kind of addiction that one suffers from in one way or another is bloody well harmful. I think this is one of those situations where we just have to use common sense.
  7. But... but it's crunch time. Penny Arcade-references immediately makes one funny. Shut up. Shut up. I don't care. It just does.
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