• Make locked doors able to be opened while the player is in editor mode.
• Set the camera type while in Handy Gnat to be a toggle, so the first person camera can be the default when switching to Handy Gnat if players prefer.
• Creature battle music overrides the Music Player Gizmo, make the gizmo always have music priority.
• Add an option to the Telepotty Gizmo to teleport players (possibly only the instigating player or selected by a filter) to the device when receiving a signal. Also enable a setting to make the device invisible to compliment the previous addition. Add the ability to face players in a certain direction when teleported, or have them face in the same direction as the device.
• Add the ability to resize props or other object/gizmos while in editor mode. Also add more terrain options that could be resized to make a player's own terrain and ground, instead of being restricted mostly to the flat ground.
• Add a UI message gizmo, to display messages on the players HUD with customizable text. Also add a feature to the Quest Gizmo to have it displayed on the side like how it is during survival mode, and adjust how text is displayed with the regular floating text, as it seems to be visible from far even when using the 'only visible when close' option.
• Add MIX.Rs or other defense mechanics to Playground Mode.
• Add creature pathing nodes that can manipulate the pathfinding of creatures or force them to walk across a set path. Otherwise tweak the pathfinding of creatures indoors, as most creatures will endlessly walk into walls in an attempt to follow their usual path. Even weevils will ignore mushroom slurry beside them as they attempt to walk into the wall.
• Add a physics weight that can be picked up and dropped onto a pressure button to activate it for puzzle elements. Consider the Weighted Storage Cube from the Portal franchise for inspiration.
• Trap suggestion for either late game survival or Playground exclusive: Automated Turret. Similar to the already manned turrets, however is able to autonomously target creatures within range at the cost of reduced firepower and requiring expensive resources, possibly only while they are hostile to avoid unintentionally aggrevating creatures. In Playground Mode it could be remotely turned on and off, maybe even turned against the player in PvE scenarios.
• Add buttons/levers or other logic based gizmos to Survival mode, possibly by enabling a custom game setting or unlocked by a late game BURG.L chip. The ability to remotely open doors, trigger traps, and activate all sorts of mechanisms will add huge replay value and make the game more enjoyable and inventive as well as open the game to a wider player base.