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Lord Elvewyn

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Everything posted by Lord Elvewyn

  1. As I recall DS1 had something like 300 spells split between Nature Magic and Combat Magic. While there were themes, ice, lightning and light versus fire and death spells they were all different and interesting to explore. DS2 had something like 50 spells. For combat there was 5 or 6 spells for each of the 3 schools, lightning, fire, death and nature had ice. There were a few new concepts, autocasting and some buffing\cursing spells but nothing that made up for the loss. So what's DS3 going to be like? Naturally I'm hoping DS1 but given there are classes, a concept closer to DS2, it's possible that it might follow KoTOR, Titan Quest etc and make spells class skills which would definitely not be my preferred option. Any chance of something more akin to the Elder Scrolls where spells can be crafted? Mixing the DS1 spell list with Elder Scroll customisation would be awesome!!!
  2. I believe the Mule's out though it makes a brief appearance. Not sure what the developers mean by this though. I'm playing TQ-IM at the moment and it's not bad but I have fonder memories of DS1, a massive albeit linear world to explore. It's definitely better than DS2 but you need cargo capacity!!! One things about TQ though is that there's some nice and highly expensive pieces of equipment which you need gold for. The ability to buy 'uber' equipment at uber prices is good, as long as you've got the money. I'm comfortable lumping treasure or porting it back but I hate wasting stuff. Perhaps if the map is more web than linear, something like DS1's multiplayer map? Mules\massive pack capacity or teleport to town spells are a must though. As a different approach (I loved Titan Quest so can't say I disliked the way it worked) I kinda like how FATE handled this - having the pet be able to travel back to town and the loot would be sold. It had its limitations (the animal could only carry so much and of course wouldn't be able to fight while gone) so there was always the choice over whether it was worth it to go back to town in person or just send the pet. Could be an approach that would allow the game to work the Mule (assuming they return) a bit more into the game play.
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