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Everything posted by RiverS

  1. Multi-platform games have existed for a long time. Gorkamorka was going to be released for Windows and for the Dreamcast. Gorkamorka? For the Genesis? :S There's never been a Gorkamorka game for the Genesis. The Genesis was discontinued in 1995, the wargame Gorkamorka wasn't released until 1997. The video game was going to come out later, approximately October 2000. Either way, the Windows demo is still out there. It barely works and would never pass for a demo these days, but it's out there if you want to find it. Random bit of trivia: In the opening video for the Gorkamorka video game one Ork kisses another, which is more than a little weird, given that there are no Ork women, and even if Orks were known to be gay, they're asexual and have no concept of sexuality. There's a single female Orc that's a Blood Bowl cheerleader, but that's all.
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