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About JohanasChimpo

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  1. Seems to be a current issue, I'm having the same problem. A little advice - try making the actual issue a part of the title in your post. The entire point of this forum is to ask for help; doing so in your title is redundant and actually makes it more likely someone will just scroll by.
  2. I should add that the resource surveyor believes there is burr still sporadically across the yard - however it is nowhere to actually be found.
  3. I'm having the same issue. I patched, got into the game, I chopped down the closest burr to the tree, as I was in the process of building up my base. I noticed after a couple days the burr did not respawn, so I went across the yard to farm some... lo and behold, as I'm looking atop the perch of the porch chair, there is literally no burr in the yard. I've gone to all my usual spots - nothing. I find it odd that there was burr when I logged in, but as a couple days passed I suppose it all cleared itself from the yard with no warning. This is a big issue for me because I'm at the point where I'm building with finer materials, and the only thing left I need is to install the floors. I need burr for that so I'm kind of at a big loss here.
  4. To clarify - I am playing single player in a non shared world and I am having this issue.
  5. I'm having this issue as well. I farmed the undershed for lint before the patch. It's been over 2 weeks in game and it has not respawned. I must say while I'm here that the respawn timer and coupled with the fact that lint is only found in static places makes it hard to build with and I feel like this is something that should be considered by devs while they fix this issue. The mat and the glove locations still respawn lint after a few in game days for me.
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