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Everything posted by Si-Shen

  1. Apparently Atari did hint at a new D&D game at that last gaming event (forgot its name), along with registering a bunch of neverwinter related domains. It spawned a fair number of posts on the bioware forums, and foolish people thinking Bioware (EA) would be working on something like that. However, many assume that Obsidian is a bit busy right now so its all just rumor beyond some new domain registrations. Personally I would love to see a NWN 3, simply because the city is destroyed, great options for a story there. Also... why is this topic in the DS3 speculation thread or am I just tired and missing something (aside from several hours sleep)?
  2. Seems like the best approach, reading posts here, and from my own knowledge, would be to limit the ability to teleport, atleast in dungeons, much how Final Fantasy 1 would only let you save in "safe" zones, every couple levels in or so. If you spread out the ability to port, people are less likely to abuse it, and it allows those who want to be able to dump their loot at the last town, happy as well. Its nice to go the hardcore path and say "no teleporting, only carry what you need!" but that is not a very good selling point when your trying to hit up more then just your dedicated, DS1 fans. You have to give atleast some attention to those that don't play that way.
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