So me and my friends play via xbox, and in the last week, I notice am crashing out the game a lot more from our shared world game. Didn't pay to much attention to it at first, as I thought was a WiFi connection issue and so would just reset WiFi, game and continue. But Friday gone (21st Oct) just before the update it got really bad. I kept crashing out whilst we tried to defeat the assistant manager. And where we could have won in our second attempt took twenty attempts to complete.
Since then it's being happening even more as we try to return to the upper yard for resources and bug kills. My friend whose hosting noted the game freezes seconds before am kicked out to the main menu.
We have tried to personally find the problem. By fixing our base stairs which at one point was supporting 600 stuff, still crash out. Test returning to normal multiplayer instead of shard World, still crash out. Tried swapping the host to me, they crashed out. Switch off natural explorer as we heard bad reviews about the latest update to that, still crash out.
Wondering if something in one of the updates is causing this? As we are getting annoyed that we cannot play along together with out someone crashing out 20 time's during an hours play. As the whole point of us getting the game was for the team play feature.
Is anyone else experiencing this? Is it just xbox, or are people on pc also experience the same thing?
Granted we did build a tree base this time instead a baseball base, but we didn't start experience issues till after the 1.0.3 update