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About hyperwind5

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  1. I can confirm that the bug does exist. Having any of the mother demon set and using the bardic inspiration mutation on, you somehow end up applying the poison and venom coating to yourself. It seems like this would be a bug, since it's supposed to empower.. not debuff the player nor this mentioned on the wiki.
  2. Just getting into the spear throwing game, at the end of the game. I think my biggest gripe is that sometimes when the spear is stuck in the bug, when it dies or releases, somehow the spear gets launched super far away from the body. I've lost two lvl 7 rusty spears after fights, did manage to find one of them after some searching (fight took place inside the oak tree, the spear was outside of the tree by like 70 cm) I put my spears away after losing a second spear out in the open, too expensive to keep replacing.
  3. The nerfs aren't really necessary, this isn't a PVP game, it's a PVE game. Even if you decide to nerf, by being transparent you'll maintain trust with your players. By making all these hidden changes that aren't disclosed, you erode trust from your players and kill the joy of playing the game. Upgrade materials don't respond, the mats for making upgrade materials have such a low drop rate that farming them is a huge time investment, then you nerf items in the game that players have invested time and materials into really just screws your players. You will start losing players if there aren't any serious changes, the game still has numerous bugs yet you guys for some reason decided to focus on nerfs instead of fixing the game.
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