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About GawainBS

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator


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  1. The best solution is to avoid the plague that MS store is.
  2. Problem is that I have no rights to open any .exe from the Outer Worlds folder, despite me being admin and having reallocated rights to myself. Microsoft Store is a huge PITA. Now it inexplicibaly deleted all the files in the folder, but the store won't let me reinstall it...
  3. Hey all, I got The Outerworlds via the Xbox gamepass Beta. Whenever I try to add Outerworlds.exe to my Logitech Gaming Software, I get the error that I don't have permission to open the exe. I assigned myself all rights on my system (and to that folder), but still it doesn't work. (Thanks, Microsoft, for treating PC gamers like consolegamers by blocking access to the game files, btw.) Is there some way around this? Like running a fake file simultaniously to make the Gaming Software open the correct profile automatically? Thanks in advance!
  4. Yeah, probably a support/DPS Paladin. I play on low difficulty settings. I'll look into the Counselor Ploi build. BTW, your background story about the Ranger was pretty funny.
  5. If I'd play a Cipher, it'd be something melee. Are there any decent Paladin builds? Or tanky Fighters?
  6. I am in a Ranger-mood for my RPGs nowadays. Onenof the things I might change is the stats, indeed. If you have other suggestions, they're still welcome.
  7. Yeah, I understand you can't be viable from lvl 1 on wards, but some builds in RPGs are only valid at the very last levels.
  8. Thank you! That looks awesome! INT does cover some conversation options, right?
  9. Hhhmm, two-hander Ranger actually sounds intriguing. Could you please elaborate on it?
  10. I've never finished PoE, mostly because I dislike the mechanics: too many spells/effects with too short a duration, plus I never seem to be able to create a characterbuild of a class that I like. However, I do want to finish the game before part II hits. I've got both expansions. The classes I've shortlisted are Cypher, Paladin, Fighter and Ranger. I want my character to make a meaningful contribution to combat and have several dialogue options available. I tried a Paladin tank, but that was a dud. Also tried a melee dualwield Cypher, but I lost focus on that playthrough. Can anyone help me decide? I prefer something straight-forward, but I'm willing to dig some more into the Cypher. Thanks in advance!
  11. Exactly the level of detail I wanted, thanks!
  12. Should I have specific companions in my party at specific times in the mainquest? Or can I always go back and do a particular companion's quest? I want to avoid swapping my companions at random. Thanks in advance!
  13. This brings up something else: how on earth am I ever going to reach 30 in a stat?
  14. Perception via the increase in Accuracy, right? Do crits also increase the durations of debuffs? It looks like it.
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