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About Elthyx

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  1. I have also contacted support, thanks again to you both!
  2. Thanks SChin! (Trying out the double line break again now ...) Regarding the O.R.C insects, to clarify - do you mean: 1) There is a finite number of O.R.C. insects which spawn all over the yard once, and when they are killed they are gone forever? or 2) There is a finite number that are supposed to spawn in specific locations, and once they are killed there should be no more, until there is a reset. The same as how normal bugs have their regular spawn locations and respawn after several sleeps? It's not that we are killing one insect and another immediately spawns. We just expected the O.R.C. insects to stop spawning altogether at a certain point in the story. Thanks Knight9910 for confirming it's not just our game! It's more that they are very good at finding me up in my base, and in trying to attack me, my base takes the brunt . This particular base is East of the tree, on the wooden mini-fence posts south of the pond.
  3. (..Still doing it, seems to be when I insert a break line to separate paragraphs? Why no edit button?) I've been playing with some friends in survival, building bases and having a lot of fun, but we progressed the story and now these ORC bugs won't leave us alone. We finished the story so far and there doesn't seem to be a way to make them stop indefinitely. Their aggro range is huge and they manage to find me through base walls or up heights where other bugs can't. I was enjoying being creative while also having a little survival challenge and having to collect materials - and spiders were enough challenge/stress for me. Now with ORC bugs knocking down my walls and constantly harassing me I'm not finding it fun anymore, and would like a way to make them stop permanently. We don't have an earlier save. Currently I do not want to start another playthrough or change settings, and would like to continue with what I was achieving before the ORC bugs became a nuisance. Interested to know if the O.R.C bugs not stopping is deliberate, and if anyone else feels they are just too much of a pest? (Unfortunately I see this is a forum for 'Game Preview/Early Access' feedback and suggestions, however I cannot find where to submit feedback otherwise. If anybody knows where to do this now that the full game has been released please share.)
  4. (Don't know why the rest of my post got deleted when I submitted it?) (I am aware of the O.R.C. Disruption Bomb, I want a way to get rid of them altogether.)
  5. O.R.C. Bugs. I have abandoned my 176 hour playthrough because there's no way to stop the O.R.C. creatures entirely - unless it's a bug?
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