Shared worlds is a great idea in concept, but a terrible idea for playing in a non-creative game mode. Constant ruber banding band disconnects, doors being "open" but launching you all the way back because it was actually closed, inability to interact with items or hot bar unless you quit the game, Not being able to find or join your friend's host world, instead you have to go to start it yourself for it to tell you a friend is already hosting the world so you can join. And the worst part is the huge Latency issues especially when it comes to fighting any tier 2 or higher enemy. Currently in its state, Antlions or spiders or pretty much a coin flip. You either get good latency and you are able to parry or the game registers your hit late or not at all and you die immediately. Now you pair this with the death damage you take to ALL of your armor and this game puts you loops of constantly dying and breaking your armor. So now you have to constantly reload the world to recover back packs and that reintroduces all the aforementioned issues. I appreciate shared world but in its current state it's NEARLY impossible to play because of lag and other issues. I hope you are coming with a patch to fix this because if I knew it would take a huge nosedive in quality I would have rather started on a normal multiplayer file rather than this laggy issue riddled mess.